*First Day In His Office 2/2*

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Author's Note :- (Please leave some comments after reading so that I could read what's your thoughts about this book. It's kinda gives me idea if you guys are actually liking how the storyline is going or not).
Thank you :)

[Enjoy Reading 😘]

Time skip:- 10:45 pm➜

Letting out a small yawn, Y/n enter into Jaehyuk's office and close the door behind before looking at him.
Her eyes becomes soften when she found him still working. The tiredness was visible in his face. Clearing her throat to get his attention, she took her steps towards him.

Y/n: Won't you go home Jaehyuk? It's already getting late.
–She asked with her soft voice while he lift his head towards her.

Jaehyuk: We will go in few minutes. I have an important business meeting in the next month. That's why I had to work a little more.
–He said as he finally lean into the chair rubbing his tample and relaxing his body.

Y/n: Hmm....it's okay. You have enough time. For now, you look so tired. So better go home and take rest.
–She said genuinely and was about to walk towards the sofa. But out of sudden, he grab her wrist and pulled her forcefully towards him making her fall on his lap while both of her hands land on his shoulder and their lips were just inches away from each other.

Jaehyuk: Look who is giving advice to whom? Do you think i can't see the tiredness and sleepiness which you are hiding from me?
–He scoffed while staring at her.

Y/n: I-I-I'm fine....
–She shuttered as she become nervous by his sudden action and tried to get up from his lap. But he held her so tightly.

Y/n: Jaehyuk...let me go.
–She said as she struggled in his grip but he just smirk and lean closer.

Jaehyuk: Even though I seems tired... but I have enough energy to held you tightly in my embrace babygirl.
–He said pulling her boby more towards him.

Y/n: Jaehyuk....we are in your office. You shouldn't–

Jaehyuk: Do you think I care?!
–He quickly cut off her.

She let out a sigh and look away but in the next moment her eyes slightly widen when he attach his lips with her kissing her passionately.

As always she thought to push him but this time she doesn't since she know it's useless. Also something inside of her stopped her this time from pushing him.

It was soft yet passionate kiss unfamiliar from the other times. Whenever he would devour her lips she won't feel his feelings but his lust. But this time, she felt something else..... "Maybe a glimpse of his eternal love which he wasn't able to show all this time....?"

Breaking the kiss Jaehyuk connected both of their heads together and smile at her while caressing her cheeks softy. On other hand y/n just look down, don't know what to do.

Jaehyuk: From the next day, you won't be doing all the works alone. I'll be applying more employees. So you will give them extra work of yours, understand? I don't like you to getting stressed out a little bit.
–He said in a worried tone while she fidget her fingers nodding silently.

He let her go and she quickly stand up from his lap when someone knocked on the door.

Jaehyuk: Come in.

The door opened revealing Jihoon.

Jihoon: The employees are already leaving. Won't you go to home Jaehyuk?
–He asked while Jaehyuk nod and stand up too.

Jaehyuk: I will go....but what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to go home an hour ago?
–Hearing him Jihoon narrowed his eyebrows in confusion. But then his gaze went towards y/n and he widen his eyes.

Jihoon: Aish..... I'm almost forget y/n is with you. I thought you will go with me like always.
–Y/n let out a chuckle at his silliness while Jaehyuk scoffed and smiled.

Jaehyuk: You just wasted your time.

Jihoon: I know. But from now on I'll try not to forget about y/n.

Y/n: You better not...Mr.Park.
–He nod and smiled at her. She can't help but smile back at him.

But one thing they didn't notice that seeing them both unconsciously Jaehyuk's smile dropped while his fist clenched but, he quickly try to calm down himself.

He don't want to let his possessiveness control over him. This time he is determined not to do a single mistake like he did in the past.

Because "He promised to himself that he will make her realize his love for her no matters what!"

To be continued...


Hola Chingu's🤗 how you guys are doing?
I hope you guys are doing all fine♡.
A bit shorter than other chapters but still hope you guys like and enjoy this😅.
Have a great day/night😇






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