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[Imagine it's raining heavily🌧️].

Y/n: Jaehyuk.....
–She whispered out his name as she keep walking through the the heavy rain holding the divorce papers.

Her body was shivering while the cold rain drops keep making contact with her warm body. But she didn't care. The only thing which was in her mind was Jaehyuk.

Y/n: You thought you can get away from me after doing all this....You have to explain Jaehyuk...no matter what.
–She mumbled under her breathe looking around desperately. Her body was going numb with every step she take and was ready to give up. But she won't stop.....not until she find him.

She knew he will be in this park.... cause everytime he will be sad or upset with something she always saw him coming here. This place is like his utopia where he always comes to find peace. She finally stopped her movements while her gaze fixed into something or..... should I say someone.

Y/n: Finally I found you.....
–A small sob left from her mouth as she stared at the helpless figure sitting on the beach looking at nowhere.

Y/n: Jae!.....
–She called out his name with her whole strength. Her hands were shaking while a lump of flesh was gathering in her throat. But she won't give up.

He quickly open his puffy eyes when he heard a familiar voice..... which he didn't expected to hear again. But little did he knew...deep inside of him how he desperately wished to hear this voice again since it was his most favourite voice.

Jaehyuk: Y/n.....
–His eyes widen when his stares fall on her fragile body standing under the rain all wet without an umbrella.

Y/n: Why did you do that?....
–Before he can say something, she asked him off while lifting the divorce papers in her hand which was already ruined in the rain.

His throat become dry as soon as he saw the divorce papers in her hand already knowing what she is talking about. The pain in his heart which was he trying to control this whole time finally again crawl back into his heart making his vision blurry with tears.

–This time she raised her voice as the tears which she has been holding all this time finally came out like a fountain.

Jaehyuk's fists clenched as he stared at her shivering & angry figure with his slight face.

Jaehyuk's thoughts: "*I wish that I could hold you in my arms like I used to and shower you with love y/n....*"

[CAMPUS BAD BOY]                             ✧YOON JAEHYUK✧Where stories live. Discover now