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"So, are you and Charlie still coming to Ciara's party this weekend?" Melody asks, wrapping her arm around my shoulder as we walk down the hall towards the lockers and I nod.

"I think so, yeah. Have you seen Charlie actually?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No, I thought he would be with you since you guys are usually attached at the hip." She smiles and I do too. Me and Charlie are usually inseparable but he's forced me to hang out with Melody more, I also want to.

"I better go find him." I say and she unwraps her arm from around my shoulder.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later, Di." She smiles and I feel my face heating up, she gave me a nickname now? It's the same one most people call me but I didn't think she would call me anything other than Diana.

Well, Miss Snow is the only one who calls me "Darling", I actually haven't heard her calling anyone else that but I suppose I haven't seen her talk with many students, I don't pay attention to her that much.

I start smiling like an idiot as I turn around a corner, nearly walking into someone. I apologise before going to find Charlie.

✺ ✺ ✺

In the last class, me and Charlie sit at the back of the class while we whisper to one another about random things. As usual...

"You'll never believe who I suspect is into guys." Charlie whispers to me with a surprised look on his face, his hands resting on the table, adding his usual dramatic effect to what he has to say.

"Who?" I ask.

"Kai fucking Mccoy." Charlie says and my eyes widen while I keep looking at him before I squint at him, just a little, my reaction is a mess but I definitely wasn't expecting that of all things.

"No way."

"Yes way, he asked for my number in the bathroom because we're partnered up for some project in biology. Yes, the bathroom, he was being all flirty and smirky and then I decided to do some digging and found out there was rumours of him sleeping with a guy last year. He's going to be at the party Friday so I'm going to talk to him and maybe more..." Charlie continues and I tilt my head at him. Kai is one of the more popular guys, he's on the football team and he used to date Ciara.

"You're a player, Charlie. You've slept with most guys at this school, including the 'straight' ones, it's concerning."

"Okay, Miss straight who is actually crushing on Melody, a girl." He laughs.

"Charlie, Diana." Mr Bradford gives out and I smile awkwardly at him.

"She's my friend, Charlie. Also, I've never claimed to be straight." I whisper quietly and Charlie shakes his head, rolling his eyes.

"That's why she finger fucked you?" He says and I quickly look at him. I tell Charlie everything but I've kind of been afraid of mentioning that...So, how does he know?


"Di, everything that anyone does around here gets spread faster than Ciaras legs for literally any man to walk earth." Charlie groans and I laugh, I shouldn't because people know about me and Melody but the Ciara joke was funny.

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