𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯

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"Charlie! Listen! I don't know what's going on with me! I'm getting way too brave, I told her I can do more than she expects. What if she lets me..do things and I freeze?" I pace around Charlie's room as he sits on his bed throwing a tennis ball in the air, where did he even get that.

"Diana, have you never like masturbated?"


"Well I barely any experience with girls, I like men. I don't do vaginas. Let's do research."

"I'm not watching porn with you!" I shout and he snorts.

"Relax horny pants, I mean let's just search up.....how do you pleasure a woman as a woman?" He smiles sitting down at his desk at his computer, i follow him and shut it.

"Charlie this is awful." I groan and he rolls his eyes.

"Just find the spot that she likes? Use two fingers, add a third if needed. Do not use one, she had a wife who most likely used a strap on that woman."

"Charlie god! She had a whole wife!" I walk over dropping down on his bed, this is awful. Absolutely awful. Why did I get myself into this.

"Diana you need to relax, it's not as serious as you think. Just talk to her, she's gonna know you're a nervous wreck anyway." He spins on his chair and I grab his pillow throwing it at him.

"Your violence is becoming too much woman." He throws the pillow back at me. My phone buzzes and I freeze.

"Shit." I say rolling off of his bed crawling quickly over to where my phone was charging. Charlie jumps up off the chair running over. I take deep breath before checking who it was.

Come over whenever you're ready.

"Charlie shit!" I drop my phone and put my head in my hands.

"You're really overreacting di, just go over."

"I can't just go over, what do I wear?"

"Lingerie? I don't know, you're going to her house not on a date. Just go over, keep me updated though." He tells me and I groan.

✺ ✺ ✺

I walk up her driveway, my hands sweating even though it's cold outside I still feel really hot. I take a deep breath then knock twice on her door before taking a step back. A couple of seconds later the door opens, she holds the phone between her shoulder and her ear. She's on the phone to someone, she's also in green silk shorts and a shirt with think straps and a v neckline.

"Sí Abuela, mmhm. Yes yes, adíos." She says before taking her phone and hanging up.

I don't know what that was but it was hot.

"Come in, sorry I got stuck on the phone with my grandmother. While I love her, I don't like speaking Spanish." She closes the door as I step inside.

"You speak Spanish?"

"Yes, my mom is spanish sand my dad isn't."

"Why don't you like speaking it?"

"I just don't, I'm an English teacher. Oh how I love the English language." She nods down a hall, her house is bright and definitely look's expensive. Her walls are white along the halls, I follow her to her living room which is quite big. The walls are grey in here.

"Sit down." She tells me and I do as she says and take a seat on her couch, oh my god I think this could be the comfiest couch I've sat on. She walks out of the living room and I sit awkwardly not knowing what to do, there are two large white shelves on either side of her tv. They have pictures, candles and flowers. Her tv is above the fire place which is also white. I stand up walking over to the shelf, I look at a photo of her, a man and a little child. The man looks tall, he kind of looks like Natalie so I'm guessing he's her brother, Natalie is smiling and she looks genuinely happy, she's holding a little girl with brown hair who looks about three or four. Does she have a kid?

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