𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦

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I was sick yesterday so I didn't go to school, Charlie of course was mad at me because he had lots to tell me about the Halloween dance today. He got asked to go with Kai yesterday. He refused because we always go to dances together. I got him to text Kai and tell him that he would go with him and that I'll be fine.

I pull up to Charlie's house to collect him since there's something wrong with his car, I beep the horn and he comes running down his driveway.

"Hi sexy." He hops in and i eye him.

"Spill." I tell him, he's happy. Too happy which means he has something serious to tell me.

"I found out miss Natalie snow is a lesbian. Apparently one of the male teachers asked her to the dance and she said no that she'd rather go with a female teacher. I done my research, ex wife can you believe it. She has an ex wife Olivia Roche. Look at her, she's straight out of a magazine." He shows me miss snows ex wife's instagram.

"I've seen her before." I state and he drops his phone.

"So all this investigating for nothing?"

"Well I didn't know her name was Olivia Roche, very helpful information. Thanks." I smile and he groans.

"I'm trying to help you get the hot English teacher."

"Charlie. Trust me. Nothing is gonna happen." I drive us to school and he hums not believing me.

✺ ✺ ✺

In maths me and Charlie don't really listen and we started whispering.

"What's Kai dressing up as?" I whisper.

"Jack sparrow, we were on call last night for like two hours. He's going to the party on Halloween, you should come Diana."

"Nope, not after last time. Plus I need to catch up on my stud-"

"Diana. Do you know the answer?" Mr Donovan asks, no I do not.

"Um..." A girl in the table in front leans back slightly.

"It's twelve." She says and then pretends to cough.

"Listen Diana or-"

"It's twelve." I speak up quickly and he nods.

"Correct." He says and I lean forward.

"Thank you." I say to the girl. The bell rings for lunch so me and Charlie pack up our things and walk out of the classroom towards our lockers.

"So you're coming to mine after detention then we will get-"

"Hey, Diana right?" Someone taps my shoulder and I turn around and it's the girl that helped me in maths, I'm pretty sure her names Abbie. I've seen her around, she's around my height so around 5"4, she has long brunette hair and brown eyes.

"Yeah, that is me." I smile and she smiles back, she has dimples too.

"Yes, I'm Abbie. We have some classes together and the dance is tonight, I don't exactly have anyone to go with and all my friends do so I was just wondering if you'd like to go with me. It's totally fine if not." She asks and I look at Charlie then I look around and meet miss snows eye, she raises her eyebrows at me.

"Um....Yeah I guess so, I'll send you my address. What's your number?" I ask her and look away from miss snow. She puts her number into my phone and I smile politely at her.

"I have detention after school so I'll text you when to come over." I say and she nods.

"Okay perfect." She nods and walks away.

"Did you see miss snows face?" Charlie asks and I shake my head.

"She just raised her eyebrows at me."

"Yeah when you said yes to that girl she looked her up and down then walked away, I'm guessing that kitty has claws. She's jealous." Charlie says and starts smiling widely.

"She is not." I roll my eyes at him.

✺ ✺ ✺

I walk into detention and miss snow is sticking posters on the wall kneeling on a table. She doesn't say anything as I sit down at a desk and do my homework for around twenty minutes.

I look over to miss snow,she reaches up and her top lifts slightly and I see a tattoo on her lower back, it says something. She looks back at me and I meet her eye.

"What does your tattoo say?" I ask and she pulls down her shirt.

"Nothing that concerns you." She hops down and I frown.

"It was just a question."

"And I gave you my answer."

"That is says nothing that concerns you?" I ask confused and she rolls her eyes. Maybe Charlie was right, she is jealous. But it's not like we're together or anything for that matter.

"Are you excited for the dance? I saw you've got a date." She changes the subject then walks over to my desk handing me a piece of paper, we had a test today and it's the results. How did I get seventy in English? I should have gotten a hundred.

"Are you jealous I have a date?" I ask her and her lips form into a small smile.

"What do I have to be jealous of, darling?" She asks watching me while I put down the test and look back at her.

"I don't know."

"Trust me if I was jealous, you'd know all about it." She leans down on the table and I keep looking at her, looking at every detail of her face. She looks back at me and we hold eye contact, is this a staring competition because I feel very intimidated.

"Are you happy with your test results?" She asks low as she keeps looking at me and I shake my head, I think I'm suffocating. I want to kiss her, I should kiss her.

"Why not?" She says even lower where I have to lean in to hear her.

"I could have done better." I say but it comes out as a whisper and my voice is very dry. She leans in very very close and we keep looking at each other, my stomach is bouncing on a trampoline.

"Can I kiss you, Diana?" She asks really low and I nod slightly without thinking and she pulls me in pressing her lips to mine, oh my gosh.

This isn't happening. This is happening, Diana, get it together. I put my hands on the table and lean into it. She puts her hand on my cheek and her lips are soft, so soft. Is it even possible?

She leans back and we both look at each other while my heart is hammering in my chest, she leans forward kissing me again and I think I might melt. This time I lean in more and she pulls back.

"I think detention is over, better go home and get ready for the dance." She straightens up and I sit frozen for a second before nodding. I pack up my things and quickly walk out without saying goodbye.

What the hell just happened.

nothing lasts forever{wlw, teacherxstudent}Where stories live. Discover now