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Over the weekend, I apologised to Floyd and Bella numerous times and they kept reassuring me. Friday is the Halloween dance and Saturday is Halloween.

I wake up and check the time, oh my lord. I'm late, really late for school.

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I check the time and it's maths. I run into the classroom and mr Donovan looks up from his computer and everyone looks at me.

"I'm so sorry! I woke up late." I bend over leaning my hand on my knee after running. Mr donovan shakes his head.

"Stay back after class Miss Cooper, sit down." He says and I sit down next to Kai, the guy Charlie has a crush on since it's the only seat left.

"Hi." He smiles and I smile back taking off my bag.

"Hi, what are we doing?" I ask him.

"Revision, he gave us out a sheet to do. He has a stick up his ass today, I think his wife is divorcing him or some shit but he's taking the anger out on us." Kai rolls his eyes and I snort.

"Diana!" Mr Donovan shouts and I make eye contact with Kai and bite on my cheek to stop myself from laughing.

"Sorry." I whisper and Kai starts laughing quietly and blocks his have with his hand, pretending to look at the paper.

"Stop I think I might pee myself." I whisper and start laughing then block my face too.

"Diana! Principals office now!" Mr donovan shouts loudly making me jump.

"I'm sorry mr, I'm just really giddy I'll stop-"

"Get out of my classroom, there are people actually trying to work!" He shouts even louder and i flinch, I grab my bag and quickly get up leaving the room. I walk down to Mrs Daniel's office and miss pearl frowns at me at the desk.

"I really hope you're here for something good Diana, I've been seeing you here too often." She shakes her head and my mouth twitches awkwardly making miss pearl sigh.

"Go on in." She says and I avoid her eye and walk into Mrs Daniel's office.

"Diana." Mrs Daniel's says and I walk to the seat in front of her desk sitting down.

"I got kicked out of class because I was late and I was laughing." I sit back wiping my hands off my pants and look away from Mrs Daniel's.

"Is something going on? Diana in your last few years here you've been a straight A student, you're one of the smartest students here. You've never got into trouble up until this year." Mrs Daniel's puts her hands on the table sounding disappointed.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm fine, I've just been tired since I've been working a lot more than usual."

"Have you seen your grades the last few weeks?" She asks and I shake my head before she starts typing on her computer. She turns the screen and I nearly jump out of my seat.

"An f?!" I almost shout and she sighs.

"That has to be a mistake mrs, I've never gotten below a B." I add and she shakes her head.

nothing lasts forever{wlw, teacherxstudent}Where stories live. Discover now