𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳

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I wake up just as the door to the bedroom opens, Natalie walks in wearing her glasses.

"You're awake." She whispers.

"Yeah I-Ah!" I sit up to fast and it feels like I've been punched in the head repeatedly.

"Would you lay back down?" She gives out as she walks around the bed picking up a glass of water.

"Do you have painkillers?" I ask her rubbing my head with my palm.

"I do but you're not getting any, I don't think you can take tablets after having drugs." She puts the back of her hand to my head.

"You're roasting." She tells me as she stands walking over to the window opening it a little. I push the blanket off of me. She gave me one of her shirts and her pyjama shorts.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About four hours, I've checked on you every hour. You sleep talk." She tells me sitting back down on the bed.

"You didn't have to stay up, I'm fine really. I feel normal." I say and she sighs. I look at my knee that has a big bandaid-oh yeah she cleaned up my knee, hurt really bad...

"Ok, back to sleep now." She begins getting up but I lean forward hugging her, she freezes.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me and don't get sappy." She hugs me back. She hugs me back. I lean my face into her neck, she rubs my back.

"Seriously, I don't know what I would've done tonight if you didn't come."

"Of course I came, but you really did scare the shit out of me when you said you were bleeding. You had me thinking someone stabbed you." She says and I lean back looking at her. She holds the eye contact.

"I'm sorry." I smile slightly.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, I'm...apologising for what I said the other day, i was more of a bitch than usual." She looks away before looking back at me.

"Do you still want to go on that date?" I smile and she rolls her eyes and smiles, she doesn't smirk she just smiles. Different from the small smiles. It's a genuine smile. You can tell by her eyes.

"I suppose I do." I lean forward and give her a quick kiss.


"Are you seriously apologising for kissing me?" She asks me and I shrug, she lifts my chin kissing me. I lay back pulling her on top of me. She hums pulling back.

"No, you're not sober."

"Yeah I am-"

"If you were, you wouldn't say that. You still need to sleep it off." She lays on top of me and I take off her glasses putting them on me.

"How do I look?" I smile and she laughs. I laugh a little too, and then we go quiet. I look away from her and huff.

"What if we get in trouble? They all know now. Everyone's gonna be talking about it Monday." I say to her and I look back at her, she's the one to look away this time.

"Nothing happened between us, we're friends. Family friends, you were friends with my younger sister and I've known you since you were born. Melody has messages, probably ones that don't look too innocent. We joke around, you are dating someone...anyone like...Tatum say." She gets off of me moving beside me instead.

"What if you get fired?"

"I'm more concerned about you getting expelled, if I do get fired I'll leave town. If she says anything I'll leave town and you stay and finish school."

"You're gonna leave town because I could get expelled?"

"I'm not ruining your chances of having a future, I'm not that much of an asshole Diana. I'll be able to get a job somewhere else, I'm not on speaking terms with most of my family anyway so nothing is keeping me here." She leans up on her elbow.

"Don't leave."

"I will if I have to. Now stop making me get sappy and go to sleep, I'll bring you home in the morning and we won't text. I'll talk to you Monday after school." She tells me and I nod.

"Thank you for taking care of me tonight." I sit up as she gets up off the bed.

"I can be nice, stop making me out to be the big bad wolf." She smirks before walking over towards the door.

"Goodnight, get more sleep." She says and I smile at her.

"Goodnight." I say back before she walks out closing the door quietly behind her. The room goes dark and I lay back.

Maybe she cares? I'm not sure anymore. I really need to stop forgiving people so fast though.


This chapter is really short, I apologise! But there is good chapters which are longer, on the way. :)

Little spoiler...

There is a kind of..plot twist I guess coming up and I'm honestly not sure what you guys are going to think about it...

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