𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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I open Charlie's front door, me and Charlie have grown up together so it's not weird for me to just walk in. If anything it'd be weird if I knocked.

"Diana is that you?" I hear Charlie's mom call form the kitchen.

"Yeah. Is Charlie upstairs?" I ask and she walks out to the hall drying her hands.

"I actually think he's in the basement. How have you been?" She crosses her arms and I smile.

"I've been fine, thank you for asking. What about you?"

"Same old same old, Dave is out of town for a week or so with work so it's quiet around here." She laughs and I do too.

"Mom.....Are you annoying Diana again?" Charlie comes up the stairs holding onto the door handle.

"I would never, me and Diana are best buddies. Aren't we?" She smiles at me and I nod.

"Of course."

"I hate you both. Diana let's go to my room, we have serious situations to discuss. Mom, dad text me too. He wants you to text him back, sent with a winky face so I don't even want to know what that means." Charlie walks over wrapping his arm around my shoulder. His mom quickly turns around walking back to the kitchen and we start walking upstairs.

"So tell me. Who's the person you can't stop thinking about?" He asks.

"Don't freak out."

"I would never."

"It's miss snow." I cringe and he trips up a step and nearly drags me down with him.


"Charlie I told you not to freak out. I think we almost kissed today. I mean there's a lot of times at this point but I'm not sure. The air around her is really thick and makes my heart beat like I've run a mile." I wave my hands around in the air. He grabs my hand and drags me to his bedroom shutting the door. Charlie's bedroom is mid size and very cozy, it's full of posters with vines. Basically a Pinterest room and his bed is the comfiest bed I've ever been on, he has a record player too.

"Did you kiss? Like dead ass tell me the truth. I mean she's hot so I get it." He flops down on the bed and I start walking around his room, pacing more like.

"No. I mean I want to kiss her I guess. She's really flirty, well since the hospital. When Theo got hurt, she was there. I think she was flirting with me and I asked her and she didn't deny it!" I look at him and a smile forms onto his face, not any smile. Charlie's 'I have the best idea' smile.

"Aren't your grades gone to shit?" He stands and I shake my head.

"Charlie no." I already know what he's about to suggest.

"Diana, she'd give you the best grades if you two had something going on. I mean it's our last year and this is the year when you go downhill. Flirt back with her and see where it goes, good sex and good grades. What's bad about that?" He asks.

"How do you even know she's good at-"

"Have you seen the woman? She's sexually frustrated, she's like a dog in heat."

"That's doesn't mean-"

"Diana, it does. Do you know her first name?" He asks holding out his hand meaning he wants my phone. I hand it to him suspiciously.

"Yeah it's Natalie, a teacher came in and said in detention before." I say before he walks back over to his bed and I sit beside him. He goes into instagram searching her up.

nothing lasts forever{wlw, teacherxstudent}Where stories live. Discover now