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The bell rings and I go to English class, I'm the first one there. I take a seat at the back and miss snow was focused on her laptop.

"Detention again today? You must really enjoy my company." Miss snow says sarcastically still focusing on her laptop with her glasses at the bridge of her nose.

"Oh I really do." I respond back with sarcasm too. She looks up from her laptop for a second at me then looks back with a small smirk on her face which makes me smile to myself. My classmates start coming into the class all talking to one another. Melody and Ciara come in and once Ciara notices me she elbows melody. They both start laughing and Charlie rushes past them sitting beside me.

"Diana-I didn't know about the videos." Charlie splutters and my heart quickens.

"Did they post the video from after the closet?" I ask and he nods.

"But there's another one...." He looks at me and I dig my nails into my palm.

"Of?..." I hear a few people laughing and Charlie continues to look at me, he doesn't want me to know.

"God damn it Charlie just tell me."

"It's basically a sex tape Diana, of you and melody. Somebody posted-"

"What?!" I raise my voice out of shock, a sextape? He has to be joking.

"Is there a problem down the back?" Miss snow asks and I look at her and shake my head before looking back to Charlie.

"Surely nobody saw it though...right like why would anyone?" I whisper and Charlie gives me a sort of nervous look.


"The whole school is after seeing it, everyone saw it at lunch." He quickly responds and I feel my face heating up.

"Alright class...." Miss snow starts talking but I notice now most people keep looking back at me. I sink into my chair hoping I'll dissolve.

"Did you report it? Is it still up? How bad is it? What can you see?" I poke Charlie and he bites his lips looking at me nervously.

"You on the couch, melody on top of you-"

"So melody posted it?"

"Yeah,I mean I guess so-"

"Show me the video." I sit up and ignore everyone and Charlie takes out his phone under the desk clicking into a video. The video plays and you can see melody on top of me and her hand down my pants. Oh god I don't even want to hear it with the volume up.

"Why would she do that? She's in it too-"

"Diana she's a bitch, she doesn't care about people seeing her like that. She done it to embarrass you."

"But why? I done nothing to her-"

"Diana. Charlie. Are you down with the conversation so I can get back to my class?" Miss snow taps her marker on the board.

"We all know what they're talking about." Someone says and everyone starts laughing, I feel my face heating up again and I sit back in my chair.

"Why would you even post that video melody? And the other video too, she done absolutely nothing to you so what is you problem?" Charlie raises his voice and I put my hand on his arm to stop him.

"It wasn't me, someone hacked my phone. I mean it's only a joke though, it's not my fault she's afraid of closets-"

"You leaked a literal sex tape you idiot, I mean you know nothing about the closet situation trust me, but the other video was too far melody-"

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