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I couldn't sleep all night, mostly because I'm dreading today. I change into my usual baggy sweater and Jeans, i look out the window and see all the leaves on the floor and the slight fog. I smile and grab my converse putting them on before grabbing my bag and walking downstairs.

"Diana, do you want a coffee?" I hear Bella shout from the kitchen.

"No thank you, I'm gonna head to school early." I smile and start walking towards the door but she calls out.

"Breakfast! You need to eat something before you go, breakfast is the most important meal." She comes out to the hall and I laugh scratching the side of my neck.

"I'm fine, really. I'm still full after the pasta last night." I say and she quickly scurry's off to the kitchen and comes back with an apple.

"Take it, eat it and enjoy your day." She smiles handing me the apple and I laugh and take it.

"Thank you, bye." I say before walking out the door.

✺ ✺ ✺

I get to school and take a deep breath before walking up the steps into the building. There wasn't many people here yet since it's kind of early. I open my locker to get my books.

"Diana." I hear Charlie call behind me.

"Hm?" I mutter and he leans against the locker beside me.

"You left the party crying? You've been ignoring my calls and texts, what's wrong?" He asks and I just shrug.

"Diana, why are you mad?"

"I'm not." I respond quietly trying to get my science book but my locker is full and it's hard to get out...

"Then why are you being so dry?"

"I'm tired."

"So is everyone else is this hall but they have the decency to smile when I say something. Just tell me why you're angry, I done nothing?" He snaps annoyed.

"I'm tired Charlie...I'm just tired, okay?" I turn to him and shut my locker a little to hard after unsuccessfully trying to get my science book and the locker door swings back open.

"Di, just tell me. Jane called me asking where you were so come on, we're best friends tell me." He insists and I try to get my science book again because I'm losing my patience. I ignore what he said hoping he will just..buzz off.

I close my locker and walk away from him. I walk around the corner bumping straight into someone and I fall back onto my butt. Why does this happen to me

"Diana. Good morning." Miss snow looks at me, why do I keep bumping into her. Literally. She dusts herself off and I stand up quickly.

"Yeah, good morning." I smile slightly and go to walk past her but she puts her hand on my arm and my stomach flips. I stop walking and look at her.

"Are you okay?" She asks me searching my eyes and I nod.

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired. Sorry for bumping into you." I say and she nods.

"You know...where I am if you need to talk." She smiles a little and it makes me smile back.

"Thank you but I'm fine." I reply and she nods.

"I'll see you in class." She finally drops her hand from my arm and walks away. I let out a big breath. She's really...something.

✺ ✺ ✺

In maths class I keep zoning out. I can't focus. Mr Donovan keeps talking and I cross my arms on the table and lay my head down, just for a second. My eyes feel heavier and I slowly drift to sleep.


"Diana, wake up."

"Diana!" I wake up from mr Donovan shouting.

"Huh? Sorry, oh my god-"

"Principals office, now. This is maths class not sleeping class." He argues and I rub my eyes and pick up my bag ignoring him and walking out of the classroom, I make my way to Mrs Daniels office and Mrs pearl tells me to go in.

I knock and open the door and Mrs Daniel's looks up from her computer.

"Diana, what a lovely surprise. What can I do for you?" She asks and I sigh.

"I don't know, mr Donovan sent me because I fell asleep in class." I fix my bag on my shoulder and she sits back.

"Well I suppose I'll have to call your aunt, you can't be falling asleep during your classes-"

"No! Please, don't. I'm not speaking to my aunt." I beg and she crosses her arms.

"Then what will I do Diana? Is something going on at home?"

"No, just don't call my aunt. I'll take detention, anything but calling my aunt please." I say and she starts typing on her computer.

"You can have detention for today, Diana I know you're a good kid. You got two weeks detention that just finished. You've never been given out to by a teacher before this year, you can talk to the school counsellor if you need to, I know about your past with your mom and dad if-"

"I'm fine." I snap before taking a breath.

"I'm fine, really." I say calmly before the bell rings.

"You better head to lunch, if you need to talk to some Diana. You know where the counsellor is." She smiles and I nod.

"Yeah, thanks Mrs Daniel's." I stand up walking out of her office. I go to the bathroom and stay there for lunch otherwise I'd probably run into Charlie.

nothing lasts forever{wlw, teacherxstudent}Where stories live. Discover now