Chapter 1

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Past Third Person POV:

Cole Robert Brock was a sweet little boy. Even though he was an only child, he loved his parents dearly. Cole always thought his life was perfect. Cole had friends and good grades, what more could he need? That is until his happiness was cut short.

It was a cool September morning, Cole, who was now ten years old, was walking with his mother to the grocery store. Everything was fine until Cole and his mother were crossing the street. As they were crossing, a car was driving fast. Mrs. Brock, who saw the car coming their way, pushed her son out of the way just as the car ran her over.

Unfortunately, the driver drove away. Cole then got up and ran toward his injured mother. "Someone Please Help Me!" he shouted as a few people who witnessed everything came running his way. "Mom, please don't leave me," Cole begged as tears slipped down his face. Pretty soon police and an ambulance arrived.

"Son, do you know what happened?" A male officer asked Cole. "M-My mom and I were w-walking to the store and we were crossing when a car came. S-So my mom pushed me out of the way and she got hit," Cole explained while sobbing. "Son, do you think you can call your dad to come and pick you up?" the officer asked. Cole just nodded his head as the officer handed him his phone.

Moments later, Mr. Brock came and embraced young Cole in a warm hug. "Son are you ok?" Mr. Brock asked while inspecting the young boy. Cole just nodded his head once again. Soon enough, Cole and his father went to the hospital to see Mrs. Brock. As they waited in the waiting room, a female doctor who had blonde hair and blue eyes entered the room with a sour face.

"How is she doc?" Mr.Brock asked. "Mr.Brock, we've done everything we can but unfortunately there's nothing more we can do. I'm sorry." "W-What's wrong with mom ?" young Cole asked innocently. "Cole, your mother has passed away," his father explained as tears slipped down his face. Cole was silent as tears slipped down his face.

Two years after his mother's passing, Cole's father remarried a woman named Nancy who also had a son the same age as Cole, his name was Tyler. Nancy was nice to Cole in front of his father but when he wasn't around, she would physically abuse him as well as make Cole her and Tyler's servant. 

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