Chapter 16

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Sam's POV:

I had just stopped at a crosswalk on my way to school when I felt my phone vibrate. I then pulled it out and saw that it was Colby. C: Sam, don't go to school! I was confused as to why Colby would text me that. So I asked him why he didn't want me to go and if he was ok. He responded, C: She won't let me leave! I then asked him what he meant but before I could check to see if he replied, it was time for me to cross the crosswalk.

Once I crossed, I then checked my phone, and nothing. I was about to walk to school but I got a feeling that something wasn't right. I then looked at Colby's last response. She won't let me leave! That's when my eyes widened as I realized what Colby meant.

I then turned in the opposite direction as I ran toward Colby's house. Oh god please let him be ok, I thought to myself as I hoped that I'm not too late. After some time I finally made it to Colby's house. As I was about to cross the street, I noticed Nancy was outside in the driveway. I noticed she was rinsing off a metal bar. However, my eyes widened as I realized she was rinsing off...blood! Please don't let it be Colby's, I prayed. Moments later, Nancy put the bar in the backyard. She then got in her car and left.

I then ran to the door and tried to open it but only for it to be locked. I then ran to the driveway where the tree that led to Colby's room was. I then took off my bag and placed it in the bushes next to the tree. I climbed up the tree until I got to Colby's room. Please be open, I prayed as I grabbed the window and to my luck, it opened.

Once I was in, I called Colby but got no response back. I then walked to the other side of the bed and my eyes widened as I saw Colby lying unconscious in a small puddle of his own blood. "Oh, God Colby!" I shouted as I ran to his side. I then checked for a pulse and luckily he had one but it was weak.

I then pulled out my phone and called 911.

911: 911 what's your emergency?

S: Please I need an ambulance!

911: Ok sir what seems to be the problem?

S: M-My friend was beaten up by his stepmom and he's unconscious in a puddle of his own blood.

911: Ok does he have a pulse?

S: Yes but it's very weak

911: Now what's the address?

S:2324 Maplewood Street

911:Ok sir an ambulance is on the way

S: Ok thank you

Moments later the ambulance arrived. I then ran downstairs and unlocked the door. "He's upstairs," I told them as I led them to Colby's room. Once we got to Colby's room, the paramedics came and put him on a stretcher, and took him to the ambulance. Once outside, I then ran to the bushes and grabbed my bag, and made my way back to the ambulance.

Moments later, we made it to the hospital and I was told to wait in the waiting room. Once I got to the waiting room, I took out Colby's phone and called his dad.

CD: Hello?

S: Hello sir it's me, Sam.

CD: Hello Sam, where's Colby?

S: Sir Colby's at Memorial Hospital.

CD: What?!

S: Sir Nancy almost beat him up to death.

CD: Ok Sam I'm on my way.

S: Ok sir.

Once I hung up, I then pulled out my phone and called my parents. Moments later, both Mr.Brock and my parents both arrived at the same time. I then ran and hugged my parents who right away hugged me back. I then explained everything to Mr.Brock and to my parents.

"Anyone here for Cole Brock?" A doctor called. We all got up and ran to her. "Yes we're here for Cole," my mom answered. "Are Cole's parents here?" She asked. "Yes, I'm Cole's father," Mr.Brock said. "Is Cole ok?" I asked. "Well besides getting stitches on his head he seems to be fine," she responded while looking at her clipboard. "Can we see him?" I asked her. "Why of course, follow me," she replied as she led us to Colby's room.

Once we got to Colby's room, I slowly opened the door to see him sitting and looking out the window. "Colby!" I shouted as I ran and gently hugged him. "Hello, my prince," Colby whispered in my ear as he carefully hugged me back. I was glad that he was ok.

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