Chapter 5

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Sam's POV:

Seeing Tyler push Colby twice really made my blood boil. "Hey, leave him alone!" I snapped at him. Tyler smirked as he walked his way toward me. "Ok, I'll leave him alone, if you hang out with me." "Why would I hang out with you? Not only are you mean and selfish but you're also very conceited," I replied. I then walked toward Colby and helped him pick up his things.

"Don't be so sure of yourself, cutie. You'll soon fall for me," Tyler smirked. "Me? Fall for you? Ha! Please I prefer dating a clown over you," I told him. With that, I grabbed Colby's hand and walked to his locker. "Thanks for helping me back there," Colby said as he was putting his things in his bag. "No problem, I mean that's what friends are for," I replied. "Oh Colby, think you can come to my place to work on the project?" I asked him. "I don't know, I doubt Nancy would let me," he replied as he looked down. "Well, why don't you ask your dad first and then your stepmom?" I asked him. "Ok, I'll try but I'll text you if anything," he told me. "Ok then," we both then went our separate ways home.

Colby's POV:

I'd just got home when Nancy came and grabbed me by the ear. "Is it true that you were eating?!" she angrily asked me. "well, what did you expect? I was hungry," I told her. She then let go of my ear and angrily backhandedly smacked me across my right cheek. "How long have you been eating Cole?" she asked me. "I'm not telling you!" I snapped back. Again she smacked me on my left cheek. "Also is it true that you were talking to Sam?" "Well duh he's my project partner and friend," I replied back.

"Well from now on, Tyler is going to make sure you don't eat. Also, I forbid you to talk to Sam," Nancy told me. "What?! You can't do that he's my friend. If he wants to hang out with me then be it. Ok, you can't tell me who I can and cannot hang out with." Of course, Nancy got mad, took out her belt, and furiously smacked me nonstop. Once she was done, I then tried to run up to my room when, "Cole, go make dinner." I then ran to the kitchen and made dinner. When I was done I ran up to my room and locked my door.

I then whipped out my phone and texted my dad if I could go to Sam's house to work on our project for biology. My dad texted yes as long as I told Nancy. I then slipped on a hoodie, put my phone in my pocket, grabbed my bag, and went downstairs. "Cole, where the hell are you going?" Nancy demanded. "I'm going to Sam's house to work on our project," I responded. "I thought I forbid you to see and talk to Sam?" She told me. "Well, I texted my dad and he said it was fine and he's happy I have a friend. Now if you excuse me, I'm leaving," I then walked out and walked straight toward Sam's house.

Sam's POV:

I was just getting my things ready for our project when the doorbell rang. I then bolted toward the door and opened it. I opened the door to see Colby wearing a hoodie with the hood covering his face. "Hey Colby, come in," I greeted. "Hey Sam," Colby replied as he came in. I then closed the door and walked in front of him. "Follow me to my room," I told him. Colby then followed me as I led him to my room.

Once we got to my room, I then closed my door. "Hey Colby, you can take off your hoodie if you feel hot," I told him. "Thanks but I'm fine," he replied. But I knew he wasn't but I'm not going to force him to tell me. "So did your stepmom let you come over?" I asked him. "Nope, in fact, she forbid me to see and talk to you," Colby quietly told me. "What? Why?" I asked him. "Probably 'cause she wants me to be miserable. But it doesn't matter my dad gave me permission though," he replied.

"Don't worry, as your friend I'll make sure you're never miserable," I told him while hugging him. As I hugged him, Colby right away winced in pain. "Oh, I'm sorry did I hurt you?" I asked him while letting him go. "No, no, I'm fine really," Colby replied. "Colby, are you sure?" I asked him. Colby didn't say anything but looked down. "Colby, you know you can trust me right?" I told him. Colby nodded his head as he sadly sighed. "It's Nancy," he told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. "Tyler told her that I ate today and she got mad. She even got mad because I was hanging out with you," Colby explained. But I knew that he was hiding something else. "She didn't do anything to you did she?" I asked him. Colby once again looked down. "Colby," I demanded in a stern voice. Colby didn't say anything but removed his hoodie.

I was shocked to see Colby all covered in bruises. Colby then lifted his head and I saw two visible red marks on the sides of his face. "Did she do this to you?" I asked him. He sadly nodded his head. "She did this because I told her that I wasn't going to stop seeing you," he replied while looking into my eyes. I gently hugged him as he burrowed his head into the crook of my neck. "Promise not to tell anyone?" he begged me. "I promise," I told him as I felt my grasp on him slightly tighten.

After working on our project for some time, I was currently reading some research for our model of the brain when I suddenly felt a weight on my leg. I looked down to see Colby asleep with his head on my left lap. (A/N: Since Sam was sitting criss-cross applesauce.) I noticed how cute Colby looked as he sleeps. I don't know why but I just have the sudden urge to protect him from his cruel stepmom and stepbrother. I smiled as I began to gently play with his hair.

Suddenly my bedroom door opened and my mother entered. "Hey just thought I tell you that dinner's ready. Who's this?" she asked while looking at Colby. "Mom, this is Colby. He's my project partner and friend. He just fell asleep after all the research we've done," I told her. "Oh ok but are those bruises on his arms?" my mom asked me. I immediately froze as I realized that Colby had forgotten to put his hoodie back on. I knew I couldn't lie to my mom so I had no choice but to tell her the truth. I just hope Colby doesn't get mad at me.

"Yes mom, those are bruises. You see Colby has a pretty horrible life. His mom died when he was just ten years old. His dad remarried when he was twelve and his stepmom treats him horribly and his stepbrother bullies him," I explained. My mom's mouth was slightly agape as she was shocked by what I told her. "Just promise not to tell anyone?" I asked her. "Sam" my mom insisted. "Please mom I don't want anything bad to happen to him," I begged her. "Ok I promise not to tell anyone," my mom told me with a smile on her face. 

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