Chapter 6

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Colby's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes as I realized I was still in Sam's room. "Hey sleepyhead," Sam said while running a hand through my hair. "Hey," I replied. I then sat up as I realized how I fell asleep on Sam's lap. "Sorry for sleeping on your lap," I apologized while slightly blushing. "It's ok Colby, I didn't mind," Sam replied.

I then remembered the time so I quickly grabbed my phone and my eyes widened as I saw a few texts from Nancy.

N: Cole Where The Fuck Are You?!

N: Cole if you don't answer you're going to be in big trouble when you get home.

Suddenly my phone rang and I realized it was my dad.

C: Hey Dad

D: Colby, where are you? Don't you know how late it is?

C: Sorry dad but I'm still at Sam's house. I accidentally fell asleep.

D: It's fine son I was just worried that's all.

C: Hey dad since it's kinda late, is it ok if I stay the night at Sam's house?

D: Of course just tell Nancy.

C: I'll tell her

I then hung up and once again my phone rang and this time it was Nancy.

N: You Fucking Brat Where Are You?!

C: I'm at Sam's and I lost track of time. Also for your information, I'm staying at his house for the night.

N: Cole if you don't come home I swear-

C: Swear what Nancy, my dad gave me permission.

N: Fine but when you get home you're dead understood?!

C: Whatever

Once I hung up I right away lay down on Sam's bed and put my hands on my face. "You ok Colbs?" Sam asked me. I froze since my mom used to call me Colbs. "Yeah, just that tomorrow Nancy's probably going to kill me," I told him. "Also, Colbs was what my mom used to call me." "Oh sorry, I didn't know," Sam told me. "It's fine really," I replied back. "Oh also Colby please don't be mad at me but I sort of told my mom about your life and abuse," Sam nervously told me. "You What?!" I asked him. "I'm sorry Colbs, but my mom came to tell me that dinner was ready. She saw you and asked me about who you were and why you had bruises all over you," Sam explained.

That's when I realized that I had forgotten to put my hoodie back on. "Are you mad?" Sam asked me. "No, I'm not mad. It's my fault for not covering my bruises," I told him. That night, Sam and I fell asleep on his bed. Not going to lie, it felt good sleeping next to him. I actually felt safe being around Sam.

Following Day

Sam and I entered the school and immediately everyone was looking at us. Mostly because I was wearing Sam's clothes that he let me borrow. Soon enough Sam went to his locker and I went to mine. I had just opened my locker when it was slammed shut. I then turned around and was aggressively pinned against my locker.

"Hello wimp," Tyler smirked. "What do you want Tyler?" I asked him. "Oh I just came to say hi to my favorite wimp," Tyler said as he punched me in the stomach. "Also mom is going to kill you for disobeying her." "So what, I don't care," I told him. "Are you wearing his clothes?" Tyler asked while angrily glaring at me. "Well duh, he let me borrow some of his clothes," I told him while rolling my eyes at him. "What did I say about rolling your eyes at me?!" Tyler snapped at me. Tyler raised his hand about to punch me when a hand pulled his back. 

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