Chapter 8

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Colby's POV:

The rest of the day was ok. Sam and I were pretty much inseparable. I was at my locker putting my things in my bag when I was aggressively pulled back. "Come on wimp we're leaving," Tyler told me. "Let go of me!" I yelled as I managed to get his hand off me. I then grabbed my bag and closed my locker shut. "Let's go!" Tyler snapped as he aggressively grabbed my left arm and harshly pulled me away. Wish I could've said bye to Sam, I thought to myself as I was dragged into Tyler's car.

Once we got home, Tyler shoved me inside, almost making me fall. "Mom, I'm home and I brought our servant." Nancy immediately came into the hallway. "Well, look who's finally home," she taunted. "Not only did I catch him trying to eat again but I also caught him wearing Sam's clothes," he smirked.

"Oh is that so?" Nancy questioned. Nancy then came and smacked me hard across the face. "Why are you wearing Sam's clothes?" she asked me. "He let me borrow some of his clothes because I didn't have any for today," I snapped at her.

Smack! Nancy smacked me once more. "Don't talk back to me!" She snapped. Nancy then took out her belt and smacked me way harder than before.

"Now go make dinner!" she demanded. I painfully got up and went to make dinner. Once I was done, I then ran up to my room and closed and locked my door. I then took out my homework and sat on my bed. Once I was done, I then got up, slipped on my hoodie, grabbed my phone, and walked to my window.

I then opened my window and began to climb down the tree that was next to it. Once I got down, I then walked to an abandoned warehouse that was close to my house. I began going to that warehouse when I was thirteen. Mostly to get away from Nancy and Tyler. As I got to the warehouse, I then walked in and explored as always. As I got to the roof, I then saw a figure sitting on the edge.

As I was backing away, the roof caved in and my left leg slipped into the hole. The figure right away got up and came my way. "Colby?" I then looked up and saw that the figure was Sam. "Oh Sam, it's just you," I replied. "Here let me help," Sam replied. Sam then took my hands and helped me up. "Thanks," I thanked him once I was back on my feet.

"No, problem. But what are you doing here?" Sam asked me. "Well, I've been coming here since I was thirteen," I told him. "Oh, well I recently discovered this place a few weeks ago," Sam told me. "Colby did your stepmom got mad?" Sam asked me. "Yup," I replied. "Did she hit you?" Sam asked me. I silently nodded my head. "Show me," Sam told me. I then removed my hoodie and his eyes glossed from looking at me. Sam then hugged me and I hugged him back.

Following day

Sam was coming over to my house to finish the poster board for our model of the brain since we basically did the model at his house the other day. Anyways, I was at my locker when I felt hands wrap around my waist. I looked to see Sam hugging me from behind. "Hey Sam," I greeted. "Hey," Sam replied while smiling at me. "Why are you hugging me?" I chuckled. "Oh I don't know I just wanted to I guess," Sam replied. I giggled at his response.

Suddenly Sam was aggressively pulled off of me. I looked to see Tyler with a pissed-off look. "What the fuck Tyler?!" I snapped at him. "Why were you two close?" Tyler asked me while gritting his teeth. "Because we wanted to!" I snapped at him. Tyler then smacked me really hard in front of Sam. "I don't want you two to get close like that ever again!" Tyler snapped as he walked away. I just sighed as Sam walked up to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "No, no it's not your fault," I replied as I hugged him back. "We better get going to my place," I told Sam.

Sam's POV:

Once we got to Colby's house, he right away pulled me up to his room. "Stay here, I'll be back. I'm just going to make dinner real quick ok?" "Ok," I replied with a smile on my face. Minutes after Colby was gone, I then took out my phone and began to scroll through Instagram when his bedroom door opened. I looked to see Tyler standing in the doorway.

"What do you want Tyler?" I asked him. "I just want to talk," he smirked. "Well, I don't" I replied while rolling my eyes at him. "Baby boy, don't roll your eyes at me," Tyler replied as he walked toward me. "I can roll my eyes at you as much as I want," I replied. "Oh really?" Tyler said as he was now in front of me. "Yes really, now get out!" I snapped at him. "Oh, but I just want to kiss those sweet lips of yours," Tyler said as pushed me onto the bed. "What are you doing?!" I asked while I was struggling to get Tyler off of me.

"Come on baby boy, just one kiss," Tyler said while smirking at me. "No! Now Get Off!" I yelled as I tried to push him off. Suddenly, "Tyler Get Of Off Him!" As Tyler got up, I looked to see Colby with a pissed-off face. "What now wimp, don't you see I was trying to kiss your cute friend here?" Tyler angrily replied. "More like you were forcing Sam, now get out!"Colby snapped. Smack! Tyler smacked Colby so hard that he almost fell. "Wait until mom hears about this," he smirked while leaving Colby's room.

Colby then closed and locked his door and made his way toward me. "Sam, are you ok did he hurt you?" he asked me. "No, I'm fine thanks to you," I replied while hugging him. "I'm sorry for not coming sooner is just-" I then cut him off, "no, no, you were busy making dinner. It's not your fault Colby." I replied while caressing his right cheek. Colby smiled as he hugged me back. "Come on, let's finish our poster board," I told him.  

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