Chapter 12

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TW Means Trigger Warning

Time Skip

Colby's POV:

I was at my locker when I was turned and pinned by Tyler. "Why do you hate me?" I asked him. "Why do you and Nancy hate me so much?" "I don't know why my mom hates you but I hate you because you disgust me. I just love to mess with you," he smirked at me. "You're my toy and if anything happens to you then I wouldn't have anything else to entertain myself with." I just looked down as I got my answer.

"Plus I always wanted my very own servant," Tyler told me as he punched me in the stomach. Tyler then pushed me to the ground and began to beat me up. He also ripped my hoodie in the process. "Tyler Stop!" I managed to see Sam running my way. "S-Sam please leave," I painfully begged as I looked at him with a pleading look. But of course, he wouldn't listen.

Sam's POV:

"Tyler, leave him alone!" I snapped at him. "Not until you dump him and date me," he told me. "Nope, not going to happen. I can date whoever I want," I told him. Tyler then walked my way and pinned me up against the lockers. I then kicked him in his privates and made my way toward Colby. Tyler scoffed and walked away.

"Oh god, baby are you ok?" I asked him as I held him in my arms. "Y-Yeah I'm fine," Colby told me. I then helped Colby up and took him to the nurse's office. We stayed there until lunchtime.

On the way to the cafeteria, I slipped my hand into Colby's hand and intertwined our fingers together. Colby gave me a warm smile as I smiled back at him. Once I got my lunch, Colby and I decided to sit outside at our tree. Once we got outside, we sat down next to each other and shared my lunch.

Time Skip

I was walking from my locker toward my last period when I was shoved into the bathroom. I was then pinned to the wall as my things fell to the floor. I realized it was Tyler who dragged me in here. "Let me go Tyler!" I snapped at him.

TW: Attempted Sexual Assault

Tyler then clamped a hand over my mouth as my screams became muffled. "Don't worry baby boy, I'm going to make you feel really good," Tyler smirked at me. My eyes widened as I tried to push him off of me.

Tyler chuckled evilly as he lifted up my left leg, wrapping it around his waist. He then kissed and bit my neck as he began to grind against me. "Mmf!" I muffled as I tried my best to scream for him to stop. Smack! Tyler smacked me across the face. "Shut it, pretty boy," Tyler smirked as he began to rub his crotch against mine while still grinding against me. "Damn baby boy," Tyler moaned as he began to rub and grind faster. I shut my eyes as I tried my best to fight back.

End Assault

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