Chapter 4

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Colby's POV:

Sam and I not only got along really well but we've also become, great friends. Once Sam left, Nancy came in and slapped me real hard across the face for breaking the vase. I just sighed as I got myself ready for bed.

The next day at school, I was walking to Sam and I's table when Tyler came and 'accidentally' bumped into me real hard making me drop my lunch. "I don't know why you bother eating since you're not allowed to eat anyways," he growled at me. I wasn't in the mood to argue with Tyler so I just picked up my tray and put it in the tray cart and made my way toward Sam. "Hey wimp," Tyler called as he grabbed my right shoulder. "You better stay away from that cute friend of yours." "Why would I? Sam's my friend and he likes hanging out with me. Now leave me alone," I told him while shaking his hand off of me.

I then walked toward Sam and sat down in front of him. As I did, my stomach began to growl. "Hey Colby," Sam greeted with a smile on his face. "Hey Sam, "I replied. "Colby, where's your lunch?" Sam asked me. "Oh, um, Tyler 'bumped' into me and made me drop my lunch," I replied back. "Oh, well here have some of mine," Sam said as he pushed his tray toward me. "No, no, it's fine. I mean I'm not really allowed to eat anyways," I quietly replied as I pushed his tray back to him.

Sam's POV:

"What?! Colby, you have every right to eat just like everyone else," I told him. "Thanks, Sam, but I'm already used to not eating. Besides, before you came here I would sit all the way in the back of the cafeteria. I would either eat my lunch or put it in my bag for later," Colby said as he held his stomach. "Colby please, do it for me?" I begged as I placed my hand on his left hand that was on the table. Colby looked up and looked at me. "Ok, I'll eat," he replied with a small smile on his face.

I then pushed my tray toward him and he right away ate the other half of my lunch. In less than five minutes, Colby right away finished his lunch. "Wow, you sure were hungry," I chuckled. "Mhm," he replied. "How long has it been since you ate?" I asked him. "Well, a full meal I'd say about five years," he responded. "Five years?!" I gasped. Colby just nodded his head. I felt really bad for Colby, I'm going to do everything in my power to make Colby happy and for him to have a normal life.

Time Skip

Colby's POV:

It was the end of the day and I was walking to my locker when I was aggressively pushed to the ground my face hit the floor as my things fell next to me. Immediately everyone was laughing at me. "Are you ok?" I got up and looked to see Sam holding his hand out for me. "Y-Yeah I'm fine," I replied as he pulled me up. I then bent down to pick up my things. "Watch where you're going, wimp!" Tyler smirked as he once again pushed me to the ground. At this point, the crowd around us left.

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