Chapter 7

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Sam's POV:

Once I gathered my things, I began to walk back to Colby's locker. As I got close to his locker I saw him pinned against his locker by Tyler. Tyler then yelled at him and raised his hand about to punch him when I ran up to him and held his hand back.

"I said leave him alone Tyler," I told him. Tyler smirked as he looked at me. "Look baby boy, you should mind your own business," he told me as he caressed my right cheek. "Don't call me that and second get your hands off of me!" I snapped while taking his hand off of me. "I'll stop if you date me, baby boy," Tyler smirked. "Yeah no, I'd rather date a pig over you," I told him with a bit of annoyance in my voice. Suddenly the warning bell rang and Tyler left for class.

"Thanks, Sam," Colby replied with a small smile on his face. "No problem dude," I replied. Colby then opened his locker and hurriedly grabbed his things and closed his locker. We then walked our way to biology.

Time Skip

Colby and I were walking into the cafeteria when Colby told me he was going to wait for me at our table. As soon as he left I then went and grabbed my lunch. I then went and sat in front of him. "Colby, here have some of my lunch," I offered him. "Sam, really I-" he began but I cut him off. "Seriously, I insist," I told him as I pushed my tray toward him. Just as I did, a voice called out to us.

Colby's POV:

"Hey wimp, what do you think you're doing?" Tyler said as he walked toward Sam and I's table. I really didn't want Tyler to make another scene. "I thought mom forbid you to eat?" Tyler taunted as he stood in front of me and Sam. I didn't say anything and just silently pushed Sam's tray back toward him.

"What do you mean he's forbidden to eat?" Sam asked him. "Colby has every right to eat just like everyone else." "Sam, really it's fine," I told him. "No Colby, it's not fine. Don't you see that he's hungry?!" Sam snapped at Tyler.

"Oh, if he's so hungry then I think he should eat," Tyler smirked as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and aggressively slammed my face into the pasta on Sam's tray. I then began to struggle as Tyler kept rubbing my face all over the pasta. "Let him go!" I then felt Tyler release me. I then lifted my head and opened my eyes to see Sam angrily pushing Tyler back.

"What're you going to do, baby boy beat me up?" Tyler smirked. Sam angrily smacked Tyler hard across the face. "How many times do I have to tell you, don't call me that!" Sam snapped at Tyler. I really didn't want Tyler to hurt Sam so I knew I had to stop them. "Just please stop!" I yelled at them. Not only were Sam and Tyler both looking at me but so was the entire cafeteria. I then got up and ran to the bathroom where I began to clean my face.

Sam's POV:

"Just please stop!" Tyler and I both turned to look at Colby who was just looking around. Afterward, Colby got up and ran out of the cafeteria. I then turn and saw everyone looking our way. Oh no, I thought to myself as I grabbed my tray and went to dump it out. I then placed the tray on the tray cart and ran after Colby.

Five minutes later I stumbled upon the bathroom and opened the door. I saw Colby drying his face with a paper towel. "Hey Colby, you ok?" I asked him as I walked toward him. "Yeah, Sam I'm fine," Colby quietly responded. "Colby, I'm so sorry for what happened back there," I apologized. "Sam it wasn't your fault," he told me. "I just didn't like being the center of attention, that's all." "But I still feel like it's my fault," I said as I looked down. Colby gently raised my chin up so I could look at him. "Sam, listen to me what happened back there wasn't your fault honestly," he told me. "Really?" I asked him for assurance. "Really," Colby replied as he gently caressed my left cheek.

Blushing, I then hugged him and he hugged me back. I think I may have fallen for my best friend. 

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