Chapter 22

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Third Person POV:

Once Mr. and Mrs.Golbach left, Sam and Colby locked themselves in Sam's room. The two boys spend their time cuddling and watching videos on youtube. Everything seemed ok until Colby got a call from his father.

C: H-Hey dad how did it go?

D: Son it seems that Nancy left after you ran away and she hasn't come home yet.

C: Oh so what's going to happen?

D: Well it seems that maybe Nancy is probably looking for you.

C: What?!

D: Don't worry son we're doing everything we can to find her before she finds you. But for now, you and Sam stay where you are.

C: O-Ok dad.

D: Love you son and be safe

C: You too, love you

"Colby, what happened?" Sam asked as Colby hung up. Colby then explained everything to Sam who had a very worried look on his face. Suddenly, BAM! Sam and Colby looked at each other as they both tensed up. "W-what was that?" asked Colby. "COLE!" Both Sam and Colby jumped as their eyes widen in fear. "S-Sam?" Colby began as his eyes filled with tears. "It's ok Colbs, we can hide in the secret room in my closet I used to hide in when I was little," Sam assured Colby. Sam then grabbed Colby's hand and they both went inside Sam's closet and into the secret room.

Once inside, Sam and Colby put their phones in silence. Sam put his phone in his pocket while Colby texted his dad telling him that Nancy broke into Sam's house. Afterward, he put it back in his pocket. Moments later, Sam's bedroom door was busted open. Colby jumped and began to softly whimper in fear. Sam wrapped his arms around Colby as he played with his hair to assure him that he was safe.

Suddenly both boys jumped when the closet door was opened. Both boys put a hand to their mouths to silence their breathing. Moments later the search stopped. The two boys removed their hands from their mouths as they softly sighed in relief. Just then the secret door was smashed open and both boys jumped in fear.

"So there you are Cole," Nancy smirked. Colby just sat there shaking in pure fear. Nancy chuckled as she grabbed Colby's legs and harshly dragged him out of the closet. "So you think you can hide from me hmm?" Nancy taunted. 

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