Chapter 10

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Colby's POV:

"What are you doing here and how did you find me?!" I snapped at him. "I followed you, you idiot," he replied. Tyler then came and smacked me hard across the face. "Stay away from Sam!" he yelled. I just nodded my head and looked down. "Let's go 'cause when we get home, you're going to be dead meat," he demanded while pulling me away from Sam.

When we got home Tyler told Nancy about me sneaking out. Nancy was so mad that she beat me up even harder with the extension cord than before. I was then brought to my room where I was locked up. I then cried myself to sleep knowing that I will never be happy with Sam again.

The Following Day

I was at my locker when Sam came up to me. "Sam what are you doing you're not supposed to be seen with me," I replied sadly. "Colby, I don't care, I just want to be with you," Sam told me while placing a soft kiss on my lips. I pulled away after hearing someone clear their throat. I looked to see a very angry Tyler.

"You just don't seem to fucking listen do you?!" Tyler snapped while pushing me into my locker. I didn't respond, instead, I just kept quiet. Tyler then aggressively threw me to the floor and began to kick me repeatedly. "Tyler Stop!" Sam cried as he was trying his best to push Tyler off of me. Tyler then grabbed Sam's wrists and made him look at him. "Date me and I'll stop," he told him. "Sam no, I'm fine," I painfully told him as I coughed out blood.

Sam's POV:

I looked at Colby as he painfully coughed out blood. I didn't want to date Tyler, instead, my heart told me to date Colby. To show him what love is and to show him that he's not alone. I then looked at Tyler who only smirked at me.

"I'm sorry but my answer is still no!" I snapped at him while kicking him in the shin. Once he let go of me, I then ran to Colby's side and helped him up. "You are going to pay for this," Tyler said while looking at Colby. "As for you baby boy, you will be mine," he threatened while looking at me. As soon as he was gone, I then turned toward Colby. "I'm taking you to the nurse," I told him. Colby nodded his head as a way of saying ok.

Once we got to the nurse's office the nurse told us that Colby was going to be ok. She asked us about how he got hurt and Colby said that he got jumped on the way to school. I knew it wasn't true but I knew he lied so he wouldn't get into more trouble. During lunch, we sat outside underneath a tree.

"Colby, you should really tell your dad. Please for me?" I begged him. "I don't know Sam, I'll try," he told me. I then hugged him and he hugged me back. "Oh hey, Ms.Martinez posted the grades for our project and we both got A pluses," I told him with a smile on my face. "Really?!" Colby asked me. "Mhm," I replied. I then leaned in and gently kissed Colby who passionately kissed me back.

"Sam, what are we?" Colby asked as he pulled away. "Well, do you Colby want to be my boyfriend?" I asked him with a smile on my face. "Yes I would love to be your boyfriend," he replied as his eyes lit up with hope and happiness.

Colby's POV:

I got home from school and Nancy, who was extremely mad, grabbed me by my ear and dragged me up to my room. "So not only did you deliberately disobey me but you decided to steal Sam away from Tyler!" Nancy replied with anger.

Nancy then took out the extension cord and her belt and furiously beat me up. All I could do was cover my head and face the best I could. When she was done, I was then forced to cook as always. When I was done with dinner I then went and did my homework. Afterward, I cried myself to sleep.

Next Day:

I was at my locker when Sam came up to me. "Hey," he cheerfully greeted me as he hugged me. I flinched while wincing in pain as I pulled away from him."Hey," I muttered as I closed my locker and ran away with my things. 

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