Chapter 23

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Colby's POV:

"So you think you can hide from me hmm?" Nancy taunted. My eyes widened as I saw Nancy holding a nail bat. I then tried shuffling away from her only for my back to hit the wall. "You know Cole, I used to love hurting you but now I got bored. So I thought why not get rid of you once and for all?" she smirked.

However, before she could hurt me, Sam threw some photos at her. Taking the opportunity of Nancy being distracted, I then got up and ran toward Sam. "Come on," Sam said as he grabbed my hand and led me out of his room. He led me to his parents' room where he pulled out a gun.

Sam's POV:

I took out the gun my dad had hidden for emergencies and protection. Luckily, it was already loaded. I then grabbed Colby's hand and led him downstairs. I was about to open the door to leave when a vase was thrown at us. Luckily, it hit the door and not us.

I turned to see Nancy as she walked down toward us. Colby hid behind me as I pointed my gun at her. "Put the gun down, twerp, or I'll use it against you," she threatened. "I like to see you try," I growled at her. Nancy chuckled as she raised the bat about to hit me but I shot her in the ankle.

"You Fucking Little Shit!" she cursed. I then felt Colby wrap his now-shaking arms around me as he still hid behind me. I then placed my left hand on top of his hands assuring him that everything was ok. Nancy however wasn't giving up. She got up and ran toward us while raising the bat. I then shot her in her left leg. Nancy then fell to the floor just as the front door was opened.

Colby and I turn to see police officers barging in. "Put The Weapon Down!" I quickly obliged as I slowly lowered my gun and raised my arms up. Colby, on the other hand, tightened his grip on me. "Samuel Golbach?" A male officer asked. "Yes sir, I'm Sam Golbach," I answered. "You two come with me." Colby let go of me and slipped his hand into mine as I intertwined our fingers together. I then grabbed my gun and followed the officer outside my house.

Once we went outside, I saw my parents along with Mr.Brock anxiously waiting for us. Colby then let go of my hand and ran straight toward his dad as he embraced him in a hug. I then ran toward my parents who also hugged me. I then hugged them back as I surely thought I wouldn't see them again.

Colby's POV:

"Oh Colby, thank god you're ok," my dad said as he held me tight. I then sobbed into his arms as I was still slightly shaking. "It's ok son, you're safe now," my dad soothingly calmed me down while rubbing my back.

I then looked up and I saw Nancy, who was now cuffed, being led to a cop car. She then stopped and looked at me and my dad. I then tensed up as I tightened my grip on him. "How could you have me arrested Harold?!" she snapped. "You deserve it for not only murdering my wife but also hurting and almost murdering my son!" my dad snapped at her.

She then looked at me with devilish eyes. "You!" I then jumped as my eyes widened in fear. "Just you wait 'cause once I get out I'm going to kill you once and for all!" she threatened as she tried to get to me but was held back. The two officers put her in the back of the cop car and took her away.

An officer came and asked me and Sam what happened. So Sam explained everything since I was too shaken up to talk. The officer then told us that she was going to be gone for a long time. "Thank you so much for protecting my son," my dad said as he hugged Sam. "No problem Mr.Brock," Sam replied with a smile on his face.

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