Chapter 18

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Colby's POV:

I was at home since Tyler went to go study with his friends. So I had just finished washing the dishes I used for cooking when "Cole!" My eyes widened as I tense up. I then quickly put away the last dish and hurriedly made my way to the living room. "Y-Yes ma'am?" I asked her.

"Your room now!" She demanded. I quickly ran up the stairs to my room just as she entered. Smack! "You little brat ruined my son!" she hissed. "W-what are you talking about?" I asked her. "You fucking brat, thanks to you my innocent Tyler now hates me!" she exclaimed in pure hatred. "Now I'm going to ruin you!" she shouted as she shoved me onto my bed.

Let's just say her revenge for ruining her innocent son was to hurt me in a different way. Once she was done she then pulled out a smacking paddle and smacked me nonstop. At this point, I tried my best to fight her back.

As she was done, my phone dinged and Nancy took it away and read the new message. "Looks like your little boyfriend is coming over. Perfect now I can give him a lesson for meddling with my plans," she smirked. "Don't you dare hurt him!" I hissed at her. She just laughed evilly as she left and locked my door.

I started to panic but then I remembered my old phone from freshman year. So I went and grabbed it from my dresser. I gasped in relief as I saw it turn on since I thought it was dead all these years. I then went to messages and right away texted Sam.

S: Sam U: Colby

U: Sam!

S: Um yes I'm Sam but who's this?

U: Sam it's me, Colby!

S: How can I be sure you're telling the truth? You could be a stalker or a perv for all I know!

I quickly thought about how to prove to Sam that it was me. Then I remembered the little nickname I gave him. U: Would I lie to you, my prince?

Sam's POV:

U: Would I lie to you, my prince?

My face started to heat up as I read the text. I realized it was Colby and he was telling the truth because no other person has ever used that nickname except him. I then decided to text him back.

S: Alright I believe you Colbs

U: Oh thank god

S: But why are you using another phone?

U: Nancy took mine away after she saw your text.

S: Oh

U: Yeah, so I had to use my old phone from freshman year.

S: Ah

U: Anyways, don't go through the front door. Instead, go through my window.

S: Why?

U: Nancy is planning on hurting you for meddling with her plans

S: What?!

U: Just please listen and do what I say!

S: Ok I'll go through your window

Moments later I arrived at Colby's house. I then quietly ran up to Colby's driveway and climbed up the tree. Once I got to his window, I lightly tapped on it. Colby immediately came and opened it for me.

"Sam!" He happily greeted me. "Hey Colbs," I replied with a smile. Colby then helped me in and I right away hugged him only for him to flinch once again. "Colby, what's wrong, did I hurt you?" I asked him. He slowly shook his head as he looked down. I soon noticed tears slipping down his face.

"Colby, please tell me what's wrong," I begged as I wiped his tears away. "Nancy," was all he said. "what did she do?" I asked him. "S-She used me because I ruined her innocent Tyler," he responded as he silently sobbed. "Wait did she-" I asked, not wanting to finish my question. He slowly nodded his head as I silently gasped while putting a hand on my mouth.

Suddenly, "Cole!" both Colby and I's eyes widened as we heard Nancy's voice. "Quick Sam hide!" Colby panicked. "Where?" I asked him. "In my closet, now hurry!" So I did as I was told. I hid in his closet underneath two blankets while sitting underneath the bottom closet shelf.

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