Chapter 21

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Sam's POV:

I opened the door after hearing the doorbell ringing. I opened it and my eyes widened as I saw Colby standing there covered in blood. "Oh, God Colby! What Happened?!" I frantically asked him. But before he could answer, he passed out. Luckily, I caught him before he hit the floor.

"Mom, Dad, Come Quick!" I shouted. I then pulled Colby in and I kicked his bag, which fell from his shoulder, next to the coat hangers. Moments after, my mom and dad rushed in. "Oh dear, what happened?!" My mom exclaimed worriedly. "I-I don't know. As soon I opened the door, Colby was standing there covered in blood. I asked him what happened but he passed out," I briefly explained.

My mom immediately called 911 and pretty soon the paramedics came and took Colby. My mom rode with him while my dad and I followed in his car. Once we got to the hospital, I immediately called Colby's dad and Tyler.

Moments later, Mr.Brock and Tyler ran up to us. "Sam what happened?!" Mr.Brock asked me. I quickly explained everything like how I told my parents. "I bet it was my mom!" Tyler responded. "I should've gone home with him!" I then walked up to him and hugged him. "Don't worry Tyler, Colby will be ok," I assured him.

Just then the doctor arrived. "Anyone here for Cole Brock?" he asked. We then walked over to him. "Yes, we're here for Cole," I responded. "Are Cole's parents here?" he asked. "Yes, I'm Cole's father," Mr.Brock answered. "Is he ok doc?" Tyler asked him. "Yes, Cole seems to be stable. However, what caused Cole to pass out was due to the blood loss from his stab wounds. Luckily, he was rushed in before it was too late."

"Can we see him?" my mom asked. "Of course," the doctor replied while nodding his head. Once we were led up to Colby's room, the doctor opened the door and Colby was sitting while looking at his hands. "I'm going to check on other patients. Please let me know if anything," the doctor said. We nodded our heads as the doctor left. "Colby!" I called as I ran and gently hugged him. "My prince," Colby whispered while hugging me back.

Colby's POV:

"Colby, what happened?" My dad asked me while walking my way. Sam let go of me and made way for my dad. My dad then gently wrapped his arms around me as I wrapped my arms around him. I then couldn't handle it anymore so I began to sob into his chest. "Son, please tell me what happened?" my dad asked softly. "I-I" I began but was cut off by another sob. "Colby?" I looked up to see Sam looking at me with teary eyes. "Was it Nancy?" he asked me. I then tensed up as I tightened my grip on my dad.

"What did she do son?" my dad asked me. "S-She caught me trying to leave so she wanted to k-kill me by stabbing me. I-I managed to escape and run to Sam's house," I explained as more tears slipped down my face. My dad then held me tight as he rubbed my back soothingly. I then felt another pair of arms wrap around me making me flinch. I look up to see Tyler hugging me along with my dad. "I'm so sorry stepbro," he apologized. "If I would've gone home with you none of this would've happened." "I-it's ok Tyler, i-it's not your fault," I sniffled.

"D-Dad can I stay with Sam? I-I don't want to go home," I begged. If I was honest, I was too scared to go home. I was scared that Nancy will actually kill me in my sleep. "Of course son, I need you to stay with Sam and Tyler can stay the night at a friend's house 'cause I don't want you both at home while Nancy gets arrested," my dad told us.

"Harold, Cindy, and I will go with you," Mr.Golbach told my dad. "You two lock yourselves up at Sam's room while we're gone," Mrs.Golbach told Sam and me. "Don't worry, we will," Sam Replied. Once I was discharged, I went home with Sam and his parents while my dad went to drop off Tyler at a friend's house so he can meet Sam's parents at the police station.

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