Chapter 9

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Colby's POV:

Once Sam was gone, I was about to run up to my room when "Cole!" Nancy yelled."Yes ma'am?" I asked her. "Is it true that you and Sam were hugging?" she asked me. "Yeah because we wanted to," I told her. "Well then why wouldn't you let Tyler kiss Sam?" she asked me once more. "Well for one, he walked into my room as if it was his. Second, Sam kept telling him no because he didn't want to kiss him!" I snapped. "Enough!" she yelled while smacking me. "Tyler can kiss whoever he wants. Now stay away from Sam!' she snapped at me. I then ran up to my room where I locked my door and cried. It seems that I can never be happy in life.

The next day I was at my locker when Sam came over. "Hey," Sam greeted. "Hey," I greeted back with a smile on my face. "Hey wimp," I then turn to see Tyler coming our way. "You never seem to learn do you?" Tyler then punched me in the stomach and shoved me onto the floor and was about to kick me when "Tyler I said to leave him alone!" Sam snapped while shoving Tyler hard against the locker. Tyler scoffed as he walked away. "You ok?" Sam asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied.

Time Skip

I was at my locker putting my things away for lunch when "Hey Colbs," Sam greeted me while hugging me. "Hey Sam," I greeted while chuckling. "Hey wimp," I then sighed as I saw Tyler coming our way. Smack! Tyler smacked me hard across the face as Sam had a pissed-off look. "You know baby boy, why don't you leave this wimp and come date me," Tyler smirked. "Sorry not interested," Sam replied. "Besides, I like someone else." "Oh yeah, who?" Tyler asked. Sam then gave me an apologetic look as he grabbed my face and smashed his lips onto mine. I was shocked at first but closed my eyes as I kissed back.

"You little shit!" I then pulled away to see Tyler extremely pissed off. Tyler then grabbed a fistful of my hair and punched me right in the face. "Tyler Stop!" Sam shouted. Tyler stopped and threw me to the floor. He then grabbed Sam and kissed him. Sam however kept squirming to push Tyler off of him. I then got up and pulled Tyler off of Sam. Sam just stood there shocked and unsure of what to do.

"Just wait til you get home you little shit," Tyler threatened. "As for you baby boy, you will be mine," with that Tyler left. "Sam, are you ok?" I asked while wrapping my arms around him. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks," Sam responded while kissing my cheek. "Oh Colby your eye," Sam said as he looked at my now black eye. "It's ok Sam really," I told him while caressing his right cheek. "I just want to know why you kissed me?" I asked him. "Well that's because I like you, you goof," Sam giggled. "Wait, really?" I asked him "Mhm," Sam replied while pecking my lips. "I-I like you too," I told him.

Time Skip

When I got home, Tyler right away called for Nancy. "What is it dear?" Nancy asked him. "This little shit right here not only disobeyed you but he also kissed Sam!" Tyler snapped. Smack! Nancy smacked me twice on both sides of my face. "You Fucking Little Shit!" she yelled at me. My eyes widened as I saw Nancy take out an extension cord from the cabinet in the dining room. She then smacked me with the cord nonstop.

Once she was done she looked at me with pure hatred. "You better stay away from Sam or else!" She snapped. "Now go make dinner," she demanded. "Y-Yes ma'am," I replied as I hurriedly went and made dinner. Once I was done I then made my way to my room and locked my door. I then started on my homework while listening to music. Once I was done with my homework, I then climbed out my window and ran to the abandoned warehouse. Unaware that I was being followed by Tyler.

Once I got to the warehouse, I then made my way toward the roof where I sat and cried onto my knees. "Colby?" I looked up to see Sam worriedly looking at me. "Hey Sam," I sniffled while looking back down.

Sam's POV:

"Colby, are you ok?" I asked him while sitting down next to him. Colby sadly shook his head no. "Did she hurt you again?" I asked him. He hesitantly nodded his head. "Can I see?" I asked him. He then took off his hoodie and I gasped as I covered my mouth. Colby was covered in fresh red marks. Then he showed me his face and I saw his black eye along with two visible hand prints on both sides of his face. "Are there any more?" I asked him. He nodded his head as he lowered his pants down to his knees to reveal more fresh red marks.

Colby then put up his pants and then pulled up his shirt. He then turned around while showing me more marks. Once he was done I then gently hugged him while he hugged me back. "You have to tell your dad," I told him. "I can't, he won't believe me," he replied. "Why did she hurt you?" I asked him. "Tyler told her about how I disobeyed her about staying away from you and how we also kissed," Colby replied. "How did she hurt you?" I asked curiously. "She beat me up with an extension cord," he replied. I just gasped in horror. "I'm sorry for making your life worse," I apologized with teary eyes. "No, no Sam you don't make my life worse you make my life so much better," he replied while caressing my right cheek. "Really?" I asked him. "Yes, really," he replied with a soft smile on his face. Suddenly, "Cole!" Colby and I immediately jumped apart as we saw a very angry Tyler.

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