Chapter 13

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Colby's POV:

I was in class waiting for Sam but nothing. Maybe he's late? I thought to myself as the bell rang. However, I couldn't stop thinking that something was wrong. I then decided to ask Mrs. Rodriguez if I can go to the bathroom. She nodded her head and with that, I left.

I was roaming around the halls trying to find Sam when I heard faint moans coming from the bathroom. I quietly opened the door only for my eyes to widen as I saw Sam pinned to the wall by Tyler. My hands turned into fists as I saw that Tyler had one of Sam's legs wrapped around his waist as he was grinding against him while Sam had his eyes shut since his mouth was covered.

I then aggressively pulled Tyler off of Sam who right away ran and hid behind me. "What The Fuck Tyler?!" I shouted at Tyler. "Don't you see I was having fun with your little boy toy here?" Tyler replied while looking at me and Sam. I then angrily punched him in the face. "Now Stay Away From My Boyfriend!" I shouted at him. Tyler angrily growled at me as he walked away.

"Sam are you ok did he-" I was then cut off by Sam hugging me. "Colby, thank you for coming to get me," he said as he was slightly shaking. "It's no problem baby," I told him. "I knew something was wrong since you didn't show up to class. So I came to look for you," I told him. Sam then kissed my right cheek. "Did he hurt you?" I asked him. "No he didn't thanks to you 'my prince'," Sam joked as he mocked the nickname I gave him. I laughed as I hugged him back. "I love you," Sam told me. "I love you too," I replied as I slightly tightened my grip on him.

Time Skip

Sam and I had just arrived at his house when my phone went off. I sighed as I saw I had gotten a message from Nancy.

N: Come Home Now!

"What's wrong?" Sam asked me. "I have to go home but I don't want to," I told him. Suddenly my phone went off and I saw that I had gotten a message from my dad.

D: Son, are you home cause' I need to talk to you

My eyes widened as I thought maybe Nancy might've lied about me to my dad. "Colby, what's wrong?" Sam asked me. "It's my dad, he wants me to come home 'cause he wants to talk to me," I told him. "It's ok you can go," Sam said as he softly smiled at me. I then hugged him, "Don't worry I'll text you if anything." I then grabbed my dirty clothes from Sam's room and stuffed them into my bag. I then left Sam's house and made my way home.

I had just gotten home when Smack! I was smacked hard across the face by Nancy. "Why do you hate me?" I asked her. "I hate you because you look so much like your mother," she replied. "What has my mom ever done to you?" I asked her. "She stole your father away from me," she hissed. "Lies, my mom and dad fell in love when they met in college!" I snapped at her. "Yeah, but I loved your father first. But of course, he chose her over me. That is until your mother's 'accidental' death that is." That's when my eyes widened as I realized Nancy was the one that possibly killed my mom.

"You killed my mom did you?!" I asked her. "By accident. My original target was to either hurt or kill you," she smirked as she backed me up against the wall. My eyes widened as I realized Nancy was a complete psycho. "I was driving around when I saw you and your mother walking. I wanted to hit you not really caring if I hurt or killed you because I wanted your father to blame your mother to the point of leaving her. But of course, you're 'mommy' had to get in the way," She told me. "I was angry at first but when I heard that she died, I immediately filled myself with joy and decided to wait a couple of years so I can marry your father." At this point, I was scared.

Nancy evilly laughed as she was about to raise her hand. I protectively raised my hands to shield myself when "What's going on here?" I turn to see my dad walking in from work early. "Oh, Harold, that son of yours was about to hit me. After everything I do for him, this is the thanks I get?" She glanced at me while smirking. My eyes widened as I looked at my dad. "N-No dad I was just-" I tried to explain but my dad cut me off. "Enough Cole, now go to your room, I'll talk to you later." My eyes began to tear up as I grabbed my bag and ran up to my room where I locked my door. I then sat on my bed with my head on my knees as I began to cry when my phone rang. I realized it was Sam.

C: H-Hello? (Sniffle)

S: Colby thank god, are you ok?

C: N-Not really (Sniffle)

S: Do you want me to come over?

C: I don't think Nancy would want you here.

S: It's ok, you still have my math book right?

C: Yeah I do, why?

S: I'll just go over and say I came for my book.

C: But what about Tyler?

S: Colby it doesn't matter you need me right now. I'll be there in five minutes.

C: O-ok

Once Sam hung up, I then began to sob as I grabbed the photo of my mom that I had on the side table drawer next to my bed. "I miss you so much, mom. I-I try my best not to be sad but it still hurts. You have no idea how messed up my life really is. It seems that no matter what I do, I can never be happy. I'm glad Sam came into my life but it seems like the universe still doesn't want me to be happy. Nancy and Tyler are trying so hard for me to stay away from Sam but I can't. I love him too much. Now Nancy is trying to convince dad that I'm the bad guy. I just don't know what to do mom." I then began to cry as I held the photo to my chest.

Suddenly my door was open and I saw Nancy looking at me with pure hatred in her eyes. "W-what do you want?" I annoyingly asked her as I wiped my tears away. "Your father wanted me to come to talk with you," she smirked. She then pulled out the electrical wire and my eyes widened in fear. "Is it true that you punched Tyler in the face?" she asked me. "Yes, because he tried to force himself onto Sam!" I snapped back. Nancy then whacked me with the electrical wire. Just then "Colby, can I come in?" Nancy then shoved the wire toward me just as my dad opened my door. "Cole!" My dad yelled. "You see Harold, I told you he wanted to hurt me," Nancy slyly smirked.

My eyes widened as I threw the wire to the floor. "N-No dad I-" I once again was cut off. "Enough Cole!" my dad yelled at me. "I'm sorry Nancy, think you can go downstairs while I talk to Cole?" my dad asked. "Of course my love but I think you might need this," she replied as she gave him the wire. I then felt scared as I saw my dad grab the wire.

"I'm very disappointed in you Cole," my dad told me once Nancy left. I looked down without saying a word. "Nancy told me about how you would try to not only hurt her but Tyler as well." I looked up as my eyes widened in pure disbelief. "N-No dad that's not -" I was once again cut off. "I was also told that you punched Tyler in the face, correct?" my dad asked me. "Well, yeah but-" No, Buts Cole!" My dad snapped at me.

"I'm sorry Cole but you leave me with no choice. I'm going to have to punish you." My eyes teared up as my dad's grip on the wire slightly tightened. "N-No Dad, Please!" I begged as he began to slowly raise the wire. "Dad, Please!" I cried as tears were now slipping down my face. I then shut my eyes tight as I waited for the impact when, "Wait, Sir, Please!" I opened my eyes to see Sam standing protectively in front of me using his arms and body to shield me from getting hit.

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