Chapter 1*

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The chapters with a * next to the chapter number have been edited.

Edited January 2016 (I cant remember the exact date.)

Celestica's POV:

I hummed along to the song blasting through my Beats headphones whilst I flicked through the pages of my Vogue magazine. I needed something to distract me from the fact that tomorrow is my seventeenth birthday, the day I hopefully get to meet my wolf and if I'm super lucky, I'll find my mate! Being the runt of the pack, I am very weak, most people didn't think I'd survive for this long which is why most runts don't meet their wolf, or their mate. Heck, almost all never shift! Runts are typically treated as rogues. I guess the only reason I'm alive right now is because My parents disowned me and I no longer have the title of the Alpha's daughter.

Runts are weaker than everyone else for some reason. Some get killed off straight away, some die in their early teenage years. I don't really know why I survived longer, no runt in our pack history has survived this long.

My train of thought was interrupted by a sharp knock at the front door. I pressed the pause button on my IPhone and placed my headphones next to my magazine on the coffee table. I wasn't expecting anyone so it was a surprise to me that someone came to visit. No-one ever visits, the pack hates me.

"Celessy-wessie, oh my gosh" My brother said as he pulled me into a bone-crushing bear hug. Celessy-wessie has been his nickname for me since I was two, he still called it me because he knew I despised it.

"Tyler... can't... breathe!" I managed to say before he released me.

"So where are they?" He stared at me before giving me a sympathetic smile..

"Of course... um, come in" I never saw my parents, they were to ashamed and embarrassed of me. Tyler was the only on in my family and in the pack that stood by me through all of the years of neglect I suffered through.

We spent hours catching up with each other and talking about what was going on in the pack house. I didn't live there anymore. I lived in the small village just down the road that our pack owned. There was everything we needed and it was only open to werewolves so no humans could find us. You see, there was a spell around the grounds so humans cant see us if they drive by.

I haven't seen Tyler in a few months because he's been busy. He's the future Alpha to our pack so he's been training not only to be an Alpha and how to run a pack, but also how to protect the pack, be a great warrior and how to keep the pack in control etc. Our pack was very old fashioned and I personally didn't like the way they ran things but Tyler says he isn't going to be like that.

Our pack was stuck in the 13th century. We didn't dress like it but we held public executions and humiliations as punishment, we killed off whoever didn't follow the rules, betrayal was extremely forbidden and we weren't allowed in or out of the pack without permission. If you do, you're automatically a rogue.

I realised it was getting really late so I suggested going to bed.

I showed Tyler to the guest bedroom and told him to help himself to the food in the kitchen. I always bought more food than I needed because I was terrible at cooking. It wasted a lot of stuff. It's also because I am always hungry.

As I walked to my room, I let out a yawn that I had held back the last half an hour. I took a quick shower and put my hair in a messy ponytail before switching off the light and jumping into bed. Tomorrow will be better. They'll see I'm just as good as they are.


Hey guys!

So I've decided to edit this book and make it better. I know the plotline was a bit crap at first so I'm making some major improvements. I may even rewrite some chapters completely. I hope you like the improvements. If you don't want to re-read it, I completely understand.

Cupquakey <3

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