Chapter 2*

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Edited January 2016 (I cant remember the exact date)

Celestica's POV

I woke up to find my brother waiting in my room, concentrating on whatever was on the screen of my laptop. He's probably reading something on his Facebook feed or something. He noticed I was awake and abruptly closed my laptop  making a loud 'slap' sound before reaching under my desk to reveal the massive present he had wrapped for me. I quickly ripped off the wrapping paper, only to find three individually wrapped presents.

In the first was a dark pink Victoria's Secret body mist. I had wanted this one for months! A huge smile spread across my face as I looked up at my brother who was impatiently waiting for me to open the next two presents.

I placed the body mist on my bedside desk and tore open the second present. It was a cute little midnight black wolf plushie with a pink collar. I looked closer at the golden pendant that was hanging from it. It was shaped like half of a broken heart; on one side it read 'Celestica' and on the other said 'Wolf At Heart' .  I noticed my brother's keys hanging out of his pocket and saw the other half of the pendant. My eyes started to tear up at that. I looked up at my brother who also started to tear up as he saw how happy I was. I tried to hold back my tears but I gave in as I felt one roll down my cheek, dropping onto my next present.

The last present was rectangular shaped, probably a book. When I opened it I immediately burst into tears as I saw the picture of me, Tyler, my mom and my dad before I was labelled the runt of the pack. I was around three and Tyler was around five and we were all happy. I looked through what seemed to be a photo album noticing there where no more pictures of us all together, only of me or me and Tyler.

I continued to cry as my brother comforted me in his arms.

"How about you get dressed and I'll make breakfast. After that I just need to talk to the Alpha of the Bloodstone pack and then we can get on with everything I have planned." he whispered into my ear. I slowly nodded and started to get out of bed as he left my room, closing the door behind him. I took another quick shower and blow dried my hair before taming it into a messy bun and throwing on a tank top, sweatpants and UGG boots. I grabbed my phone, keys and hoodie and ran downstairs to be greeted by the sweet smell of bacon and eggs and my brother stood waiting for me in the living room with two plates in his hands.

We quickly ate considering we were already late to Tyler's meeting with the Alpha of the Bloodstone pack. I threw on my hoodie, and locked the front door before hopping into my Porsche and starting it up. Hey, just because they don't want me doesn't mean I don't get spoiled by my parents. I didn't even wait for Tyler to buckle his seatbelt before I sped off the driveway and down the road the Bloodstone pack house.

When we got there I immediately saw my mother and father in the driveway. I smiled inside as I walked up to them. I bowed to them to greet them and my father stood forward to speak.

"Good day Celestica." His tone was firm but I could tell he was glad to see me. My father, believe it or not, always love me more than my mother. She was completely heartless towards me whereas my father left me alone. He's the one that provided me with the house in the village, he kept me alive, he gave me all of the nice things and never asked for anything in return except that I kept everything he gave me a secret or to not tell people it was from him.

"Good day father" I smiled at him before my mother interrupted.

"I assume you have not shifted yet, runt"

My mouth dropped open before my gaze dropped to the floor as she smirked at me, clearly pleased with my reaction. I hadn't thought about that all day after my 'moment' with Tyler this morning.

"Now mother, Cele-" My brother started before we were all interrupted by a deep voice.

"Is everything okay out here?" I looked at him before our eyes locked. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, he was the most handsome man I had ever met in my entire life. he was tall, at least six foot with a very muscular build. He had amazing blonde hair and blue eyes that I just seemed to get lost in. He had this sense of power around him, I assumed he was the Alpha. Wait, an Alpha?! He growled and extremely sexy growl before walking towards me, his eyes still locked with mine.

"MINE!" He cupped my cheek with his hand as I heard Tyler and my parents leave, probably to give us a little privacy. After I knew they were definitely gone, I did the only thing I could do.

I ran.


Editing this 6 months later and seeing just how bad my authors notes were. Ooops. I sounded like a five year old.

Cupquakey <3

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