Chapter 11*

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Edited 9th February 2016

Levi's POV:


I rolled my eyes. Not again. It seems like every time I get my life back to normal, something has to come and ruin it. I turned to Celeste but she had a scared look in her eye.

"I'll be ok, sweetheart." I kissed her gently. I could feel her body and her wolf relax in my arms. I pulled away as I heard screaming outside.

"Come back to me." She spoke in almost a whisper. I could sense how worried she was.

"Don't worry about me. Now go with Erie to the safe room, ok?" She only nodded her head. She has been through so much already, I don't want to live her life like this.  

She walked towards Erie and pulled her into a hug before disappearing through the infirmary doors. I looked at Cameron who stared at the doors with a longing look in his eyes.

Erie and Cameron's bond is stronger than mine and Celeste's since they have already marked each other. Both me and Cameron are planning to mate with Erie and Celeste on the night of Celeste's Welcoming/Crowning Ceremony on Saturday, but I don't want to push Celeste. I placed my hand on Cameron's shoulder and he turned to me before we both walked out of the doors at the other end of the room.

Let's kick some rouge butt!

Celeste's POV:

No. Not again. I can't loose him like I have everyone else. I checked to make sure Erie wasn't looking before running away, desperate to find an exit. I ran through the endless hallways, but eventually came to a dead end.

At the end of the corridor, there was a window that stretched from the floor to the ceiling. I stepped closer to it, as if something was drawing me to it. Raine was howling at me to turn back but I couldn't stop walking, like I was in a trance. The next thing I knew I was grabbed from behind and pulled into something hard. A hand clamped around my mouth to stop me from screaming.

What I didn't realise was that this person had a cloth in their hand, which was now pressed firmly over my mouth and nose. There is only one thing that can happen when someone puts a cloth over your mouth. As my eyelids grew heavier, my mind could only focus on one thing; I was being kidnapped...

Erie's POV:

SHE'S GONE!? NO, NO, NO. How could I not notice? Levi is going to kill me. I paced back and forth in the safe room, waiting for Levi and Cameron to return. I froze as the door slammed open to reveal Levi, covered in blood and frantically looking around for something.


"Where is she?" He asked in a calm voice that was even scarier than his Alpha tone. I looked at his left shoulder. it was starting to heal but there was a massive chunk of flesh missing and blood was oozing out of it. Wait, where's Cameron?

"Cameron..." I trailed off. This time it was Levi's turn to freeze I ran past him and out of the safe room, desperate to find him. Our bond was weak, but still there. I raced around the pack house until I finally reached the infirmary. I smashed the doors open to find Cameron laid in a hospital bed with multiple wires and machines hooked to him. He was covered in blood and had lost a lot of it. He was hanging on by a thread and I couldn't do anything. My hand flew up to my mouth as tears started running down my cheeks. I fell to my knees and sobbed quietly. I couldn't loose him; not now, not ever. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Levi crouched next to me with a piece of cloth in his hand.

"Celeste..... she's been kidnapped."

I apologise for all of the POV changes in this.
Cupquakey 💕

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