Chapter 3*

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Edited 13th January 2016

Celestica's POV

I ran.

I had no clue where I was or where I was going. I didn't even know why I ran. I should be with my mate, introducing myself. We didn't even know each other's names.

I finally stopped running when I realized I was in the middle of a forest. I lent against a tree and thought about what just happened.

Why the hell did I run from my mate? Was I scared of him? That he'd reject me because I'm a runt?

I began to walk around the trunk of the tree, wondering what to do. I walked into something and tried to keep my balance but failed, falling backwards toward the forest floor.

I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impact, but it never came. An arm grasped around my waist, causing a shiver to run through my body. I kept my eyes closed, scared of who... or what, caught me. I was pulled up, the arm around my waist supporting my fragile body before loosening as I got back on my feet. I still had my eyes closed as I was pulled into a hug by the mysterious person.

"You didn't think I'd find you?"

I gasped and held my breath as he chuckled into my hair.

Our cute little moment was interrupted when we heard a twig snap somewhere around us. His body stiffened instantly pulling away from me.

"Shift and run back to the pack house, I'll meet you there."

I just stood there looking at my feet and twiddling my thumbs as tears welled up in my eyes.

"What are you doing, I said shift!"

I looked at him tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I.... I can't.." I spoke almost in a whisper.

He stood forward about to say something when a golden-brown wolf leapt out from the bushes , aimed at me. I tried to dodge him, but somehow it still managed to grab onto my ankle, it's teeth tearing through my flesh and down to the bone.

I screamed in pain as a loud growl erupted, vibrating through the forest floor. My mate shifted into a midnight black wolf and pounced at the wolf that was still biting into my ankle. All I managed to see before I blacked out was my mate ripping out the other wolf's throat. I didn't even have enough strength to wince at the sight as I fell into darkness, left with the image of my mate rushing over, worry imminent in his deep blue eyes.

I woke up to the sound of arguing in my room. I figured Tyler was on my laptop watching something on YouTube.

Wait, I wasn't in my room.

I sat up immediately and everyone in the room stopped and looked at me. Tyler was sat next to my bed in a leather chair and my mate had someone, who I assumed was the doctor, pinned up against the wall. I look at him as his eyes faded from black to blue. He rushed to my side, holding my hand and almost crying. I could see dark circles under his eyes, he obviously hadn't slept in days.

"Wha... What happened?" I asked. something was obviously wrong.

"We'll just leave you and Alpha Levi alone." I heard Tyler say as he ushered the doctor out of the room.

Alpha Levi? So he was an Alpha.

I was about to ask again when my make cleared his voice and spoke.

"After the rouge attacked you and bit your ankle I rushed you back here to the pack doctor and you've been in a coma ever since."


"How long has it been?!"  I shouted louder that I needed to. He hesitated a moment.

" Celestica, It's been a month."

"WHAT!!?" I screamed. There was a knock at the door and a little girl around eight years old walked in.

"Baba, are you OK? Me and Mama heard shouting." Levi nodded and she stepped out from where she was half hidden by the door, revealing a huge scar from her forehead down to her chin running straight over her eye.

I held back a gasp but my eyes widened at the thought of some sicko doing that to a child. She noticed this and hid behind the door again. Levi opened his arms and a smile instantly grew on her face as she ran up to him. He picked her up and laid her next to me on my bed. I shuffled over so there was enough room for Levi to climb on next to her.

"Ceslestica, this is Abby, Abby this is Celestica." She turned to me and Levi gave me a small smile.

"Hi Celestica." she beamed at me but she was still a little hesitant. To be honest I couldn't blame her. She had never seen me before and I was the reason Levi looked so tired. I couldn't help but wonder how much work he had neglected while he had bee by my side.

"You don't have to call me that. You can call me Celeste if you want."

She nodded her head, her smile never leaving her face.

"Okay, Celeste" both Abby and Levi chimed. I looked at Levi and gave him a playful scowl.

"Not you, mister." He laughed and me and so did Abby. I shook my head in amusement and lent back, my head coming in contact with the wooden headboard making a small 'thud' sound.

We sat there for awhile but then i heard a soft snore come from Abby, no wait, Levi? I looked over to see both Abby and Levi asleep next to me. A mischievous smirk rose to my lips as an idea popped into my head. I slowly moved my arm from around Abby's shoulders and ever so slightly moving over to Levi.

I paused to make sure Abby was still asleep and then shoved Levi, causing him to wake up and fall face first onto the floor. I heard a small groan from the side of the bed where he had landed and checked to see if we hadn't woken Abby. She stirred but luckily didn't wake up. I silently laughed as his head popped up over the covers, his blonde hair slightly ruffled and his cheek and nose were red from the way he had landed.

He glared at me playfully, before picking Abby up carefully and walked out of the room, most likely taking her to her room. I saw this as my chance to fall asleep before he came back .

I was only half asleep when I felt him lie in bed beside me. He came closer until my back was fully against his chest. He buried his face in my hair and placed his arm around my waist. I tried to hold in a laugh as I remembered the events of today.

"Why are you laughing, sweetheart? My nose really hurts you know," That's it, I couldn't hold back my laughter any more. I turned around to see his glinting blue eyes staring at me. He lent in and so did I, meeting in the middle for a kiss that sent sparks through my whole body.

"Goodnight, Celeste." I didn't have enough strength to retaliate, instead I just slipped into darkness as I buried my face in his chest to hide the blush that was already threatening to show.

Goodnight Levi.


I can remember how I dedicated this chapter to one of my friends. Well, she isn't my friend anymore but she just doesn't get the hint that I don't want to talk to her. If you're reading this right now (I'm not going to say names) please just stay away from me, I have better friends now so stop being a bitch to us.

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