Chapter 14*

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Edited 9th Feb 2016

Erie's POV:

"E.... Erie...." I looked up to see Cameron staring back at me with those beautiful brown eyes of his. He was finally awake! Four days of absolute torture and he's finally awake!! I jumped on him and wrapped my arms around his neck with and 'oomph' from Cameron. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent. I pulled away and squealed before running to find Levi, leaving behind a very confused Cameron.

I walked as quick as I could to where I assumed Levi was; the kitchen. I slammed the door open with a massive grin on my face.

"It's Cameron; he's awake!!!" We ran back to the hospital and saw Cameron, who was still a bit stunned from when I let him. He looked at Levi and forced a smile.

"What's up with Levi?" He mind linked me.

"What do you mean?" Oh, he didn't know about Celeste yet.

"Levi, you can hide anything from me. What happened while I was out?" The room fell silent. We didn't know what to say. I could instantly see the pain in Levi's eyes.

"Well done."

"What did I do?"

"C-Celeste was... Kidnapped..."



"Why didn't you tell me?"




"But we have a lead, remember Levi?" His eyes lit up a bit.

"Yeah, her brother, well whoever he is took her."

"Wait, what do you mean whoever he is?"

"I looked at Tyler's body and discovered that it wasn't actually Celeste's brother just a pack member. "

"So Tyler killed his parents, faked his death, and kidnapped his 'sister'?"

"Yeah pretty much." Levi's eyes glassed over and confusion swirled in his eyes.

"Have any of you heard of the Royal Knight Pack?"
"Nope." Cameron answered straight away.

"Yeah...." Levi's head snapped to me.


"Yeah. There's a whole legend behind it!" I ran to the library with Levi close behind, leaving Cameron in the hospital once again.


"Sorry. I need to show Levi something in the library."

We reached the double doors that lead to the library and burst through them, practically leaving them hanging off of their hinges.

"Don't worry I'll pay for them later!" There was this new light to him, he felt more energetic. I reached the history section and ran my fingers over the spines of the books until I came across the one I was looking for. I had read it a couple of years back when I was bored. It was a dark green with a golden spine and had a golden crown on the front cover. I opened to the page I needed and coughed at all of the dust that escaped from the pages. I read it for him;

"The Royal Knights Pack;
A legendary pack, known worldwide for their ruthlessness. As no.1 pack in the world, this is expected, but no one expected it to go as far as it did. The pack was split between Britain, Germany, Austria and the U.S.A. They started two world wars and seven civil wars but eventually the Royal Knights in Britain, Germany and Austria came together and joined with the Royal Knights in the U.S.A. After World War 2, the Royal Knights Pack was wiped out after a freak wildfire burnt the area of forest around the pack house,taking the lives of every pack member; over 17,000 people died. However, there was said to be one survivor; the Luna's baby boy. He was said to have been swapped with a nearby pack's son in an attempt to wipe out or create a special bloodline with the Silver Wolf, who had been suspected to have been born into that pack. " I gasped in realisation. Tyler was the baby boy and Celeste was the Silver Wolf.

"Where was the pack located?"

"Um... Florida!"

"I need 5 warriors and 2 trackers to pack their suitcases. We're going to Florida!"


I so want to go now! Well we've found Celeste but will they get to her in time? Remember to vote and comment!
Cupquakey 💕

I'm stupid and originally put disneyland. He disneylands are in Paris and Tokyo (all of which I will eventually visit) stupid me.

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