Chapter 7*

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Edited 31 Jan 2016
Celestica's POV

"SHE'S GONE WHAT?!" And, we're back to  psycho mom. Turns out, Levi's sister has gone rouge. No-one knows where she is or where she will have gone.

"Mom, calm down, I've sent a search team for her, OK?" Whilst Levi was comforting his mother, I left my mind to wander.

"Levi how do you know she's gone rouge?" His head snapped in my direction so fast he would've gotten whiplash if he wasn't a werewolf.

"I mean, all of her clothes where still there. If she had gone rouge then she would have taken her things with her. What exactly was in her room when you went in?" He looked at me as if everything was making sense now.

"Nothing, there was only a note saying she had gone...... Wait a minute.." He rushed upstairs and I followed straight after. He picked up the note that lay on his sister's bed and smelt it.

"Rouges-" he growled.

"How did I miss it? She wouldn't smell like a rouge yet if she had written this. Besides this isn't even her hand writing. Ugh, seriously, how could I be so clueless?" His eyes were dark, not fully black, but close. He was pacing her room, running his hands through his hair. If I didn't do something soon, he would break something.

I placed my hand in his and walked around him so that I was facing him. He tensed at my touch and stopped pacing. He looked at me with his deep blue eyes which were filled with so many emotions I couldn't read.

"Levi-" I started. He pulled me into a hug and I placed my arms around his neck.

"Levi it's OK, we'll get her back." He pulled me tighter. He pulled away with a playful smirk on his face that made my heart flutter.

"So, Erie tells me you sing." My smile falters. Sure I taught myself to sing but I've never sung in front of anyone. I just smirked back and put on a brave face.

"Sure, just gimme a guitar." I walked out of the room with Levi in tow. I don't think he was expecting me to actually sing I walked down the stairs and into the living room. Levi walked off and reappeared a few moments later with a light brown coloured guitar and handed it to me.

I sat down on a chair and tuned the guitar while Levi sat across from me, his eyes never leaving me. I turned back to him and raised and eyebrow.

"Ready?" I asked him. He nodded, his eyes never breaking contact with mine.

"When tomorrow comes

I'll be on my own

Feeling frightened up

The things that I don't know

When tomorrow comes

Tomorrow comes

Tomorrow comes"

All the way through the song his eyes were on me. I closed my eyes and continued to strum the guitar.

"And though the road is long

I look up to the sky

In the dark I found, I stop and I won't fly

And I sing along, I sing along, then I sing along

I got all I need when I got you and I

I look around me, and see sweet life

I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight

You're gettin' me, gettin' me through the night

Can't stop my heart when you shinin' in my eyes

Can't lie, it's a sweet life

I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight

You're gettin' me, gettin' me through the night

Cause you're my flash light

You're my flash light, you're my flash light"

I opened my eyes to see people from the pack had gathered around me, all with their mouths wide open, including Levi's. Was I that good?

"OMG, Celeste! That was amazing-" Erie squealed as she ran up to me.

"You know, I know an awesome music producer, I can hook you up with a few recording sessions and-"

"Wow Erie, calm down, I'm not recording anything, Ok?"


"No buts, it's my voice and I don't really want to go into that profession, yeah?"

"Come on Levi, back me up here!" She let out a frustrated whine.

"I think you should do it-"

"YAYA" Erie squealed and started dancing about.

"But-" she stopped dancing and her face fell.


"But not right now." He turned to the pack to make an announcement. I immediately knew what he was going to say and I gripped his arm for reassurance. Erie was staring at us dumbfounded about what was happening. Levi took a deep breath and tightened his grip on my hand.

"My sister, Laura, has been kidnapped."


I don't really like this chapter to be completely honest with you. I mean the idea was perfect it's just the way I wrote it.

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