Chapter 9*

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Edited 31st Jan 2016
As soon as we got back to the pack house, Levi increased the security and made me stay with Cameron at all times. Sure there was an anonymous psycho killer after us but did that really mean I had to be locked in the house 24/7?

I was so bored. I had gotten tired of movies and my butt was numb from all of the sitting around. Erie had fallen asleep and Cameron was playing C.o.D so I cuddled into a pillow and tried to fall asleep.

Just I was drifting off, the door opened, snapping me out of my sleep. I ran to the door not caring who it was and threw myself at them but was pulled back by Cameron.
"Cameron," I whined.
I heard a growl and Cameron instantly let me go.

I suddenly felt extremely weak and fell to my knees, swallowing back the vomit that was threatening to stain the carpet. Everyone was by my side in an instant, even Erie. Wasn't she asleep?

"Celeste, what's wrong?" I could hear Levi's voice ring through my ears, making the massive headache I already had, worse. I turned and clutched onto his shirt as I cried out in pain.

My body was on fire, numbing me until I couldn't feel a thing. I felt Levi pick me up and carry me somewhere. I could hear muffled voices around me but couldn't understand them. I was laid on a bed, at least I think it was a bed, and continued to loose conciseness.
"Celeste, Celeste! Please, wake up!" I heard Levi's muffled voice calling out to me as I tried to stay conscious. I reached out as I heard him start to cry.
"Please, Celeste. I can't loose you again...."

I woke up in the hospital , where I had obviously been laid last night.

Actually, I'm not sure when it was. I tried to sit up but was held down by dark brown leather straps.

I struggled, trying to get out of the straps.


I kept struggling until the straps finally gave out and snapped, breaking the infirmary bed in half but Levi was loaded. I'm sure he could afford a new one.

By the time Levi burst through the doors, I had destroyed half of the things in the room.

'Celeste, don't try to shift'
'Yes I'm finally gaining enough strength to talk to you but you will want to know why right?'
'Of course'
'Ask him'

Obviously referring to Levi, I looked up to see him, his mom, his dad, Erie, Cameron and the pack doctor all stood in the doorway staring at me in shock.

"What. The hell. Is going. On?" I said slowly, making everyone, including Levi cower back in fear. Raine whimpered at the fact I was scaring my own mate.

"Uh... umm... L-Luna.. I think Alpha Levi s-should tell y-you something....."

My eyes shot to Levi who was slowly making his way towards me. I was angry that they were keeping something from me. I could feel my canines poke and the bottom of my lip. I hadn't shifted before. Why did it feel like I had? Levi placed his arm on my shoulder, instantly calming me.

"Look, Celeste. While you were unconscious, you shifted involuntarily." My breath hitched in my throat. So I had shifted.

'Raine' I warned. I shifted and she didn't tell me.

'Shut up and listen, I want to hear this as well'

"When you shifted, we discovered what was wrong the other day but that's only because after you shifted back into your human form, Raine took over."

'Raine, what did you do?'
'Shhhh, let him explain'
'No Raine, I know you're my wolf and all, but you can't just shift and then take over my body without telling me"
'Look, the only reason I made us shift is so we could heal. The pain you were feeling was affecting our body and you kept having seizures so I had to heal you.'
'But..... the only way that I would have to shift to heal is if... but I can't.... can I?'

"Celeste? Did you hear anything I just said?" Crap, he'd been talking to me this whole time.

"Um, no sorry, I was talking to Raine about... things."

"After Raine spoke to us, the doctor noticed that your body was fully healed.The only way that could happen was if..." There was a long pause, only getting me angrier.

"If what Levi?"

"You're a Lycan."

For those who don't know what a Lycan is, all will be revealed in the next chapter.
Until then,
Cupquakey xx

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