Chapter 15*

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Edited 9th Feb 2016

Celeste's POV;

I followed Tyler through endless corridors filled with cell after cell; each containing a prisoner that probably didn't deserve to be there. We finally made it to the exit which was guarded by two men that looked more like bodybuilders. Even though the were super muscular, I doubt they'd be able to take on Levi, I mean, Levi is the Alpha of the number one pack in the freaking world! Wait a minute... Im the Silver Wold for Goddess' sake! I could take out everyone here.

'No you can't...'


'I'm too weak to fight. I think they injected us with wolfsbane.'

'Why not silver?'

'Jesus, you ask way too many questions. We are the silver wolf. We aren't affected by it. Our claws are made of silver.'

'Really? That is so badass.'

'Yeah, yeah, now can we please figure out a way to get out of here?!'

'Sure, let's see.... I don't really have a wolf, any fighting skills and, oh yeah, I'm guarded by like five guards! Not to mention the other two hundred that guard the building!'

'Okay, no need to be cocky.' I continued to follow Tyler through the..... Mansion? Or was it a castle? I doubt it would be either, I mean this place is freaking huge!

"Please, make yourself comfortable. You will be here for a long, long time."

"If you aren't my brother then who are you?" I dared to ask. He slowly turned to me and had one of those creepy ass grins on his face.

"Well my darling, you see there's a legend behind all of this."


"Yes the legend of the Royal Night Pack, they're actually the whole reason you're here. Remember 'sis', I told you all about them when we were little, didn't I?"

"Yeah....." They were the most brutal, merciless pack in the world. They were no.1 before Levi's dad came along and burnt down their forest. At least, that's the way I was told the legend. To be honest, I don't think Tyler was telling the whole truth.

"Well darling, I'm going to let you in on a little secret, I'm the baby boy and you are The Silver Wolf!" What....


"Ah, ah, ah darling. Don't dare finish that sentence. Oh and who said you were going to have sex with me?" My jaw dropped. He's going to rape me?! My chest suddenly felt tight and I was finding it hard to breath. I know what this is, thankfully. I was having a panic attack. I always used to have them but now I didn't have them quite as often. I grabbed onto the nearest thing to me, which happened to be Tyler, but quickly let go and dropped to the floor. I clutched my chest and doubled over in pain. Everything went blurry and all sound was muffled. I saw Tyler's mouth moving but there were no words were coming out of his mouth. I sent Levi one last mind link before darkness consumed me.

Re writing the A/N due to horrible 12 year old grammar.i think I put coz at least 3 times in this paragraph.

Cupquakey 💕

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