Chapter 17*

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Edited 14th Feb 2016
This is where the book starts getting better

Celestica's POV

I forced my eyes open and I immediately shut them again. My arm was throbbing and I was trying my hardest not to scream in pain.

I reached over to my left arm where the pain was coming from and found something sticking out of it. Slowly opening my eyes, I let then just to the light before looking over to my arm. There was a needle sticking out of it with a small pipe that lead up to a bag filled with what looked like wolfsbane.


Now I can't contact Rein. I started removing all of the needles and wires from under my skin, making all of the machines start beeping. Tyler came rushing in and I looked at him with curious eyes.

"What are you doing?" He asked between breaths.

"I'm getting out of bed. What does it look like I'm doing?" I threw the covers to the bottom of the bed and tried to stand up but my legs gave out.

I was caught by a guilty-looking Tyler who placed me back into the bed and pulled the covers over me.

"The least you could've done is let me be allowed to move around." I glared at him.

"Sorry," He turned the machines off and put it away in the cupboard.

"I will stop the wolfsbane until you can walk but after that, you will still get injected once a day." He smiled sympathetically but I just glared at him. I could see the hurt in his eyes and it made me feel a little guilty.

"Can I get some food."

"Of course, whatever you want." I smirked.

"Okay, I want to go to this fancy restaurant a couple miles away called 'Autour Du Monde'"

"Done! Do you want me to carry you or get a wheelchair."

"Wheelchair!" I almost screamed. No way was I letting him carry me. He nodded and left the room, returning a few moments later with a folded up wheelchair. He unfolded it and placed it beside my bed. I tried to shuffle out of bed myself but Tyler picked me up and placed me in the wheelchair before I could.

"I could've done that myself you know!" He looked at me.

"Yeah, sure you could." I growled at him but he only laughed.

"Oh Celeste, that doesn't work when your wolf can't contact you." He wheeled me out of the room and into the elevator. There was a silence between us but I could tell his intentions were clouded by lust. I was disgusted. He grew up with me and knows I'm not a threat but still wants to use me to fulfil his father's plans of an apocalypse. If he does this, our child will destroy anything in its path including Tyler. Does he even know what he's getting himself into?

The doors opened and he wheeled me out. As he guided me through the corridors, I couldn't help but notice how many young girls were in chains. Poor things. I daren't imagine what these sick people must be doing to them. I shivered at the thought.

"Are you okay Celeste? Are you cold?" I had to stop myself from laughing at his hesitant tone.

"Uh... Um y-yeah I guess..." I shivered once more just to be a drama queen. He was always so easy to trick. His eyes glistened over and I guess he was mind linking someone to get me a blanket or something. A few seconds later, one of the young girls appeared with a fluffy blanket. She handed it to me and went to leave but I grabbed her wrist. She immediately flinched away.

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