Chapter 19*

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Edited: 23rd Feb 2016
Levi's POV:

"OHMYGOSH! DO YOU HAVE HER? IS SHE OKAY? I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU ARENT TREATING HER RIGHT YOU WILL GET YOUR BALLS CHOPPED OFF!" I heard Erie scream at me from the stairs. We had just arrived back at the pack house. Celeste was still asleep in my arms, which worried me a bit but I think I'm just being a little over protective. Erie gasped as she saw us.

"I-is she d-dead?" Tears were forming in her eyes.

"N-no of course not! She's just sleeping." I quickly reassured her. I walked past her and gave her a smile. I slowly walked up the stairs to our room and laid her on the bed. I kissed her forehead and went to walk out of the door when I heard her whimper. I looked back at her to see her trying to reach out for me. Her face was scrunched up and I could feel her sadness through the bond. I lifted my shirt off and laid down next to her, pulling her closer. She instantly relaxed and I smiled. I missed this.

"Mate safe. Mark mate."

"Calum shut it. We will mark her when she's ready."

"Mate ready now."

"She's unconscious." He growled at me. He freaking growled at me! I felt Celeste move in my arms and I looked down at her. She had a pained expression and kept whimpering. What's wrong with her?
"You need to get her to the hospital. Now." I looked towards the door to see Abby stood with a confused look on her face.

"She's having an internal battle with herself. She has a lot of wolfsbane in her system and it's slowly killing her wolf. She's trying to keep Raine alive without killing herself." I looked at Abby with a weird expression. How does she- I heard Celeste let out a low growl and a shaky breath. I immediately stood and rushed past Abby toward the infirmary. I burst the doors open and laid her on one of the beds. The doctor came rushing in after us not long after.

"What's wrong Alpha?"

"It's Celeste. There's too much wolfsbane in her system and she's trying to keep her wolf alive."

"How do you know this?" I was about to answer when Abby appeared next to us.

"He didn't, I did." The doctor looked shocked but quickly examined Celeste. Abby just stared at her, tilting her head every now and then.

"I don't know how he did it or put it there but there's a piece of solid wolfsbane dangerously close to her heart." Abby spoke.

"Solid wolfsbane?" The doctor muttered to himself. He pulled out what looked like and x-Ray machine and scanned Celeste's torso with it. The monitor lit up with different colours; yellows, oranges and a lot of red.

"Oh my." The doctor whispered.

"The red bits," Abby started.

"That's where most of the wolfsbane is." I looked near Celeste's heart and there was a chunk next to her heart which was different than the rest. It was a dark red/burgundy colour.

"This isn't good." Abby blurted with wide eyes.

"It's closer than I thought it was." I looked at Abby, on the verge of tears. What was happening? Abby is 8! How is she doing this? I suddenly remembered something. Possibly the only thing that could save Celeste right now.

"We need Asheilda."

I need food...
Cupquakey 💕

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