Chapter 21

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Levi's POV;

I paced around the room as Asheilda sat looking down at the book in her hands. "So what does this mean?" I stopped pacing and looked at her, just making sure I had heard what she had told me. "It means exactly what I said Levi. Abby is Celeste's guardian. Which is also why she was acting so weird earlier today."
"It also explains the silver eyes." I sighed. This changes everything. "Where are the both of them now?""I put Celeste in bed to rest and Abby passed out just after we got here so I left her to sleep on the couch with some pillows and blankets." She nodded and looked back at the book. "Wait...." She traced the lines o the book with her finger and stopped at a certain part."It says here that the guardian and said silver wolf will have a special connection, much like a mate bond, where they will be able to sense each other's feelings, thoughts and pain." I took a deep breath."But Abby's body is technically only eight and won't be able to take the pain." I stated. I wasn't letting my little sister get hurt, not after what happened when she was three. I grimaced at the thought."Her body age is eight, her physical and emotion ages are eons older." She placed a hand on my shoulder.
"She will be fine Levi." I nodded and I walked out of the meeting room we were currently in to check on Celeste. I walked up the stairs, silently praying that she was awake already. I placed my hand on the door and took a deep breath before pulling down the handle and entering the room. I looked up and was met by a pair of beautiful silver eyes staring back at me. She was stood at the foot of the bed, her Crimson-stained nightgown flowing in the wind that was blowing through the balcony doors. I took a step forward and engulfed her in a hug. I buried my head in the crook of her neck and breathed in her scent. I felt her arms wrap around my neck and her breath next to my ear. I felt something wet on the side of my neck and I realised that Celeste was crying. I pulled away and cupped her cheek just like the day we met. Her eyes were no longer silver, but the bright blue that I've come to love.
"I love you." She gasped and for a minute I thought I'd said the wrong thing. That is, until she grabbed my neck and crashed her lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her as close to me as possible. I tasted her tears  in the kiss and I pulled away again, keeping her wrapped in my arms. I reached down and kissed away her tears one by one, making her look at me curiously. I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her hand out of the room. She followed me down to he kitchen in silence but I knew she didn't want to talk about what happened so I let her stay quiet. I motioned for her to sit on one of the kitchen stools while I picked out some ingredients to make dinner. I stuck with something small and simple to start off with. I remember Asheilda telling me that she probably wouldn't want to eat much because of going without food for while. I glanced at her a few times while I was cooking but each time I did, she was just staring at the counter with a blank look on her face. I frowned. She looked perfectly fine when she wanted to kill Tyler. Was she regretting it? Or was it just the fact that he was her father-figure for such a long time? "Sweetheart?" She stayed still but moved her eyes in my direction. I held out a bowl of chicken noodle soup but she was unresponsive. I placed it in front of her and I could hear her breathing in the scent of it. She shook her head and pushed the bowl away. "What's wrong sweetheart?" I took a seat next to her and pulled the bowl back towards her. She just shook her head. I was confused why she was acting like this. "Come on sweetheart, its perfectly safe. Look," I picked up the fork and ate a few noodles to show her there was nothing in it. She just looked at me. "Celeste, you have to eat something. It isn't good for you. I don't want you to get ill." I was starting to get upset with her now. Surely she has to know what could happen if she doesn't eat or drink something soon.  "Please sweetheart. Just eat something, for me." She looked at me and then the bowl of soup a few times before slowly picking up the fork. I smiled wider then I ever have before as she brought the fork up to her mouth and put it in her mouth. She smiled back at me before slowly eating the rest of the bowl.
She's coming back to us. Slowly, but surely.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh god. This is getting harder to write. I have fun writing it though so don't think I'm just going to abandon you guys this far in. I keep checking this and so far we're at 1.38k reads! that's almost 400 reads in the space of like 2 chapters! Thank you so, so much guys!

Cupquakey <3

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