Chapter 26

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Almost 2k reads!! Over the moon!! TELL YO FWENDS PWEEZE!! Also, my friend and I have been talking and maybe later next year, we're going to do like a collab on a book because he's writing a story but he likes my books and asked me if I wanted to do like a mashup or something of stories. He loves paranormal things so it'll be so much fun to write and he goes to my school so we can literally talk about it and work on it every single day and stuff.
Levi's POV:

I woke up to an empty bed and the sound of vomiting. I rushed to the bathroom to see Celeste hunched over, throwing up. I knelt beside her and held her hair behind her head whilst I rubbed her back. She was only wearing my t-shirt and I was in my boxers but it didn't matter. The only thing that matters is that there is something wrong with Celeste and I need to figure out what.

'Asheilda, can you come to the cottage asap? I have a situation'

We sat there for around half an hour while we waited for Asheilda to show up. Celeste had stopped vomiting but she stayed in the bathroom in case she felt nauseous again.

"Alpha?" I heard Asheilda shout through the cottage. I picked Celeste up and carried her Into the living room where we saw her wandering around.  I laid Celeste on the couch and covered her with a blanket. She was silent, as if she was in deep thought. I gestured for Ashielda to go into the kitchen and I followed her there. I started making hot chocolate for us all whilst Asheilda sat on one of the few stools. The kitchen wasn't small but it wasn't particularly big either. Just enough to fit three people in and still have space to move around freely.

"What's wrong?" Ashelida questioned. I took a deep breath in an attempt to slow my heart, which was beating frantically.

"I woke up about half an hour ago to Celeste vomiting and I have no idea what's wrong with her." Werewolves can't get sick. It's impossible unless they've been poisoned. I growled at the thought.

"She's not been poisoned, I can assure you of that. But I deal with magic. My best bet is that its a side effect to the potion I gave her. She woke up earlier than expected. This is normal. If it isn't, then, well, we might have to call Szymon." I looked at her to make sure she was serious but by the look in her eye, she was.

"I haven't spoken to him in three years. I doubt he even knows Laura's dead, let alone that I have a mate." I poured the hot chocolate into three cups and handed Asheilda hers. She took a sip before continuing.

"If there is something wrong he's our only choice." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, knowing she was right.

"Fine." I grabbed mine and Celeste's drinks and walked into the living room. I looked back at Ashelda.

"Ill call him when we get to the pack house." I turned back to the living room and froze at what I saw. Celseste was standing at the other side of the room in a fighting stance.

"No need." She spoke in a low voice.

"He's already here." I was confused for a second but then caught onto the fact that she was talking about Szymon. I didn't see him anywhere but I knew he was here.

"Get out of the damn shadows, Syzmon." The shadows slowly moved from the corners to the centre of the room an formed into the shape of a body. when the shadows cleared, he stood there in all of his glory staring at me with a sinister smile  plastered on his face.

"Nice to see you brother, you too Celeste." Complete and utter shock was the only emotion my brain could process right now. Szymon knew Celeste?

"Yes brother, I do. But the question is, how to you know her?" I forgot he could read minds.

"Shes my mate, okay?" He smirked at me as he looked in between me and Celeste.
"You better have a damn good explanation for being here right now, unless you want to get ripped to shreds." I looked over at Celeste. She was no longer in a fighting stance and she had this cocky tone when talking to him. She raised an eyebrow at him, motioning for him to continue. Szymon opened his mouth to speak but stopped to look at Celeste, or rather, her neck. He walked towards her and she let him.
"You know Luna marks change colours right?" I looked at him in confusion.
"To show emotions," he continued.
"If an Alpha mark his mate, it changes colours to show their emotions and physical state. Celeste looked at him as if she already knew what he was going to say.
"Celeste's mark is purple." He stayed silent for a few moments.
"Which means......" Asheilda pushed him to continue but he looked at Celeste instead.
She turned to me with a sheepish smile and whispered,

"I'm pregnant."

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