Chapter 6*

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Edited 28th Jan 2016
Celestica's POV

When we walked outside, all I could see were the corpses of the rouge army that had attacked. There were dead bodies scattered everywhere. In the woods, on the doorstep and there was blood throughout the pack house, obviously from rouges that had broke into the house and had been killed in the process.

When the pack house was back to normal and the majority of the guards were outside cleaning up the bodies of the dead rouges,

I decided to cheer everyone, but mostly myself, up by baking. Erie was going to help while the boys were in the living room playing video games.

I searched through the cupboards for everything I needed to make cupcakes and told Erie to get started on the icing. I always made it first but it was even better now that I had someone to help me. I taught myself how to cook and bake, well except from the odd gesture from Tyler that is. I had memorised this recipe and knew it from heart so all I had to do was tell Erie what she needed to do.

For this cake, I wanted to make chocolate icing so I told Erie to melt the chocolate and then add it into the icing and stir together until I was the right colour and texture. Whilst she was doing this, I got started on the actual cupcake mix. Flour, eggs, butter, sugar, baking powder and vanilla essence. Ugh, it had been so long since I had made cupcakes!

Whilst I was in the middle of mixing, someone snuck into the kitchen and hugged me from behind. I felt the tingles through my body and instantly knew it was Levi. He started kissing my cheek and down my neck as I carried on mixing. His arms sat loosely around my waist but his lips roamed lower until he reached the spot where my mark should be. He stopped there but started nibbling at it and licking around it softly making me stop mixing and turn around only to be met by his sweet lips once again. We separated for him to move back to my neck. But this time I stopped hin

"Not here." He pulled away his arms still around my waist. He moved us back to the counter and just when I thought he was going to kiss me, he backed up with one arm behind his back, grinning like and idiot.

"NO, Nah-ah!" I knew what he was up to. I tried to run but he grabbed me and rubbed whatever he had in his hand onto my head.

" Flour? Really Levi?" He leaned in for a kiss but I grabbed the bowl of icing and flicked it at his face. We turned around as the door opened only to show Cameron and Erie with mischievous looks on their faces.

"FOOD FIGHT!" They both shouted in unison.

Food was flying left, right and centre, hitting everyone and getting all over the floor and walls. At one point, Cameron slipped on a puddle of icing and fell into Erie, causing her to topple over aswell. We all stopped and laughed at each other just when someone else walked into the kitchen, getting hit in the face with chocolate icing that Levi tried to flick at me. It landed in a line on her face dripping onto her dress.

"Mom?" Oops.

She was well past being angry. Her face turned bright red and gave us a look that made us all, including Levi, cower back in fear.

"I WANT ALL OF THIS CLEARED UP IN ONE HOUR! IF IT ISN'T CLEAN WHEN I GET BACK, THERE'LL BE TROUBLE!" And she walked out of the kitchen as we scrambled to get the cleaning supplies. They say the Luna is even more petrifying than the Alpha, Levi's mom just proved that.

It didn't take that long to clean up the kitchen so I went upstairs to my room to get changed only to find Levi's mom already there. She was sat on the bed but stood up as I walked in. She had light brown hair that was starting to turn grey at the roots, the same deep blue eyes as Levi and was about 5 foot six.

"Celestica, I presume," she stuck her hand out for me to shake it and I did.

"We never got to introduce ourselves after both of the 'incidents' that have happened today." I stood there bewildered at the woman who stop before me. Only an hour ago she was screaming at us to clean the kitchen and now she is calm and understanding. What is going on in this pack? She must have noticed my expression because she opens her mouth to speak just when Levi walked in.

"Umm...... Hi?" Levi was just as confused as I was.

"Levi, darling. Why don't you introduce us to your mate here? Oh and get your sisters." Sisters? I thought he only had one?

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