Chapter 22

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Levi's POV;

I sat with Celeste until she had finished all of her noodles. She had struggled a bit and I asked her if she wanted to stop but she just shook her head. She still hasn't talked to me yet. I picked up the bowl and placed in the sink to be washed. When I turned back around, Celeste was gone. I was about to panic when I heard voices coming from the living room. I quietly walked through to see Celeste knelt beside a little boy who was stroking Abby's cheek."She's my mate. I know it." Me and Celeste both looked at the boy curiously. "You know about mates?" Celeste whispered. I guess she still didn't really want to talk."My mommy told me after my papa died. She said they loved each other no matter what and she will be happy with him very soon." A tear rolled down Celeste's face. She knew what this meant as well as I did."H-how long ago did y-your papa die?"

"Mommy said a month." Celeste gasped and a could feel her sadness radiating off her.

"Where's your mommy now?" I walked up to them and took Celeste's hand in mine.

"She went to sleep. She said she loved me but she's gone to live with papa now." She gasped and took hold of the boy's hands.

"Okay bud, what's your name?" Celeste buried her head into my chest and I held her as she cried.

"My name is Alec." I ruffled his hair a little and he giggled.

"Well Alec, this is Celeste and my name is Levi." He smiled at me.

"Alpha, there's a woman lying dead in her room." One of my warrior's voices came through the mind link.

"Yes I know. I want you to take her body to Asheilda and tell her to prepare a funeral for her."

"C'mon sweetie, we need to find a home for little Alec here." She lifted her head and looked at me. Her eyes were a little red from crying but she smiled at me.

"How about we let him stay here. I've always wanted another brother, especially a little one." I chuckled and nodded. I've always wanted a little brother too to be honest. I guess it replaces all the hate that Celeste got when she was younger, and then having her brother betray her like that.

"You hungry bud?" He nodded eagerly and I smiled. I stood up and helped Celeste up as well before leading them both to the kitchen where an extra bowl of chicken noodle soup lay on the kitchen counter. I lifted Alec onto one of the stools and placed the bowl of soup in front of him. He dug in immediately and ate as if he hadn't in days. I looked over to Celeste, who was watching him intently. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. She jumped a little but soon realised it was me.

"Our own little family."


Cute af. My internet was crap this week so I couldn't really update much. bleh. Technology.

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