Chapter 25

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Celeste's POV:

"I feel like I'm getting married." I scanned my appearance in the full-length mirror one last time. It was almost time for the ceremony and I'm not going to lie, this is scary as fudge.

All I have to do is cut my hand, join it with Levi's, who's hand will also be cut and say I do. Like I said, I feel like I'm getting married.

I was dressed in a white dress, obviously. It was strapless, the top half being a corset-style lung squisher with fancy little details and lacy things that covered my boobs, that were practically popping out of my dress. The bottom half was more comfortable. there was a ribbon-belt that covered the little thing where the two halves of the dress were separated and flowed down from there. We were barefoot, a tradition for these types of things.

"You look beautiful, dear." Levi's mom said as she finished curling my hair. I'd had it cut short, to just below my chin. Levi hadn't seen it yet and he wouldn't until the ceremony. I stood up abruptly and clutched the skirt of my dress.

"I can't wear this dress." I ran into my closet and frantically started rummaging through the dresses.

"Don't be silly. You look perfectly fine in the one you're wearing." My eyes landed on the most beautiful dress I had ever seen.

"I'm sorry but I hate it." I stated bluntly. I grabbed the dress and laid it on my bed as I pulled my dress off.

"Holy Goddess what are you wearing?" I heard Erie say as she walked through the door.

"Just help me get it off will you? We don't have much time before the ceremony starts and I really don't want to be late!" She rushed to my side and helped me untie the ribbons on the corset. I let the dress fall to the floor, leaving me in the extremely itchy lacy underwear that I had been made to wear. I grabbed the new dress and Erie grabbed the other one as I quickly put the dress on.

It was another strapless dress but this one was way more comfortable. The whole thing was made out of a lacey-type of material and the skirt came to about mid-thigh length at the front but flowed to the floor at the back. It also had an extra layer of material attached to the top hem of the dress that flowed down to just under my boobs to cover them up, thank goddess. There was a knock at the door and Erie walked over to open it. As she talked to the person on the other side, I grabbed a simple chain necklace from the dresser and clasped it around my neck.

"We better get going." Erie said from behind me. I turned towards her slowly and nodded towards her. I followed her out of the door and out of the pack house.

We walked through the woods for about ten minutes before reaching a clearing. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of white chairs lined up in neat rows, each one occupied by a pack member, dressed in white. There was a gap down the middle, for me to walk down and at the end was the perfection that I get to call my mate, standing talking to Cameron. Now that I think about it, I haven't spoken to Cameron since I got back.

"Celeste!" I heard two voices call from behind me. I saw Abby and Alec running up to me before they launched themselves at my legs. I giggle and noticed that Abby was holding a basket filled with paper flowers and Alec was holding a white box which I presumed held the knife in side it.

Erie motioned to behind me and I turned to see all of the pack stood up and Levi staring straight at me. Erie moved to he seat leaving me, Abby and Alec to walk down the aisle alone. Abby walked down first, dropping the flowers on the floor as she walked, followed by Alec, who held the box out just in front of him. and then me, playing with my necklace, not quite knowing what to do with my hands.

The stares were unbearable but I put on a straight face as I continued to walk towards where Levi stood, my eyes never leaving his. Abby had reached the end of the path and took a seat in the front row. Alec walked to where Levi stood to hand him the box and took his seat next to Abby. I saw his hand reach for hers and I smiled.

I finally reached Levi and I turned to face him. He grabbed both of my hands and held them gently.

"You look breath-taking." I couldn't help but notice the heat creeping up to my face. Everything suddenly quietened down and I knew it was time.

"Do you Celestica Smith, promise to take on the roles as both my mate and Luna of the Bloodstone pack?" I nodded, my words suddenly abandoning me.

"And do you promise to put your pack before your mate if ever in danger or ruin?"

"I do." I spoke in barely a whisper but seen as we were all werewolves, we could all hear it. Levi pulled out the knife, cutting a diagonal line across his hand and then mine, making me wince. He joined our hands before the wounds could heal and I instantly felt a surge of power flow through me, connecting me to the mind of every single pack member.

"All hail your new Luna, Celeste!" Everyone cheered and Levi grabbed my waist, pulling me into a kiss. This only made the pack cheer even more. The night couldn't have been more amazing, but it was.

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