Chapter 28

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Levi's POV:

"You're mates?" They both avoided mine and Celeste's gazes and focused on other things, refusing to look at each other.

"Szymon, when did you fid out?" Celeste placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Before I left." Celeste's eyes widened.

"She was on of the reasons you left, wasn't she. you couldn't bear to stick around living in the same territory as her because she didn't know yet. But how did you know?"

He sighed and closed his eyes.

"My powers enhanced my wolf's senses. He sensed Asheilda's presence. But she was only thirteen and I was fourteen. I could've been accused of lying or even worse. I couldn't bear being near her every single day. I couldn't take it. On top of the powers, and then my dad dying, everything seemed so out of place. I only told Levi about my power but I had no choice really. He caught onto the shadows moving every now and then. I couldn't really tell my mom that I had inherited her witch powers. She would disown me."

"A hybrid." Asheilda stated.

"I was always curious about them and I always wanted to meet one and mow I have one as a mate. This is actually quite cool now that I think about it." Ashilda smiled at Szymon. His eyes widened in shock but he wasted no time in running up to her and kissing her. Celeste tugged on my arm and I looked at her.

"We should leave.." I heard her voice ring through my mind. It was so amazing that she could mindlink me without It wasting any of her energy. I followed he rout of the cottage and into the woods.

"Okay so you kind of sped us here after the ceremony so I have no idea where we are right now." I chuckled at her. I grabbed her hand and slowly lead her through the trees. Before Asheilda came, we had changed clothes so we could go straight home and rest.

I wore a simple black t-shirt and blue jeans and Celeste wore a cream turtleneck sweater with light blue skinny jeans. Her hair sat on her shoulders in natural waves and her pink lips were a little swollen from me kissing her.

I couldn't help but notice that the whole time we were walking, she was always looking at the feet of her stomach.

"What's wrong?" She jumped little at my voice but looked at me.

"What if something goes wrong?" She mumbled. I stopped walking and she turned to face me. I placed one of my hands on her cheek just like the day we met and by the flash of recognition in her eyes she remembered too.

"Nothing will go wrong. Everything will be perfectly fine. I wont let anything happen to you or the baby, okay. If anyone thinks they can hurt my pup, they have another thing coming." She smiled and we carried on walking.

"What will everyone think? I'm only seventeen." I sighed.

"They wont think anything. The pack will be happy that they have an heir now. Whether its a boy or a girl, they will rule the strongest pack in the world and everyone will love them for it." We reached the edge of the woods and the pack house came into view.

"Oh god, how do I tell everyone." Celeste ran a hand through her blonde hair and closed her eyes in frustration.

"Why are you worrying so much? You're pregnant, not dying."

"I'm scared okay? I've been put down for the most simplest things all of my life. Anything I felt the slightest bit of happiness for was always crushed by the 5 inch heels of my mother. I understand that its different here and she's dead but i've always had a second conscience sat on my shoulder and I've always been scared that someone is going to hate me because I'm happy." I wiped away a silent tear that had fallen down her cheek.

"You don't need to feel like that anymore. Here, you can be as happy as you want. That's all I ever want for you, for you to be happy." She sighed in frustration.

" Sing me a song. You haven't sung since that day when your parents died." He eyes shot up to meet mine." We were stood a few metres away from the door of the pack house but I knew she didn't want to go in just yet. I was really just stalling for time so that she could calm her nerve a little before we tall everyone the news.

"You can be the peanut butter to my jelly,

You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly,

You can be the captain and I'll be your first mate,

You can be the chills that I feel on our first date,

You can be the hero and i'll be your sidekick,

You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split,

You can be the rain in the clouds when it stormin',


You can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'

Don't know if I could ever be,

Without you cause boy you complete me,

and in time I know that we'll both see

That we're all we need,

Cause you're the apple to my pie,

You're the straw to my berry,

You're the smoke to my high,

And you're the one I wanna marry."

I smiled the whole way through the song and I could feel Celeste relaxing.

"See I told you it would help." She smiled.

"I'm still really nervous to tell everyone. I still cant believe I'm pregnant." We heard a squeal and a giggle behind us.


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