Chapter 13*

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Edited 9th Feb 2016
Levi's POV:


Her message echoed through my head over and over. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I know, she's my mate I'm supposed to only think about my mate, but I left her and she was taken by someone she thought she trusted. I will never forgive myself for this.

Cameron is still unconscious. I rarely see Erie; she's always by his side and only comes out of the hospital to eat and drink or shower. She doesn't cry anymore. I think she has cried all of the tears she can.

That first night- the night she was taken - I cried. Everything was perfectly fine until I got into bed and realised she wouldn't be there. I haven't been getting much sleep and when I do, I always have nightmares. The whole pack has felt miserable these past few days because all of the high ranks are and they can feel it through the pack bond.

I got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. I turned on the tap and splashed my face with water before turning to look in the mirror. Staring back at me was not the Alpha of the most powerful pack in the world; it was a lifeless man with no happiness left in him.

His once tanned skin now pale and sickly and his shining blue eyes were just empty grey orbs of nothing. His blonde hair was turning a brown colour and desperately needed cutting. This man had forgotten how to smile; a scowl permanently placed on his lips.

What happened? I quickly showered and changed into into sweats and a baggy t-shirt instead of the usual smart-looking clothes. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and saw Erie trying to grab something from the top shelf but couldn't reach it. I stepped behind her and grabbed it for her. She turned to me and I saw how broken she was. Her hair was messy and there were dried tear stains reaching from her eyes down to her chin. Her eyes were just like mine; dull and lifeless. We were all a mess.

"Thanks..." She barely managed to croak out. If I wasn't a werewolf I wouldn't have heard it. She walked out of the kitchen, obviously going back to Cameron. I got out some bread and put it in the toaster. I didn't have the spirit in me to cook something so I decided to just make toast. Just as I was getting the toast out of the toaster and spreading the butter, I heard a squeal followed by fast-paced footsteps heading in my direction. Erie burst through the door grinning like an idiot. Her eyes were full of life once again and her tear-stained cheeks were no more.

"It's Cameron; he's awake!!!" We ran to the hospital to see Cameron wide awake but looking a bit clueless. He looked at me and forced a smile. What's that about?

"Levi, you can't hide anything from me. What happened while I was out?" The room fell silent.

"C-Celeste was.... Kidnapped..."

CAMERON IS AWAKE MY LOVELY PEOPLE!!! Now leaves the other questions.

Editing 7 months later and laughing at how stupid that sounds ⬆️😂

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