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Levi's POV:

I was at my desk in my office just like I had been for the past few days. I had practically lived in this office for the past month, trying to get everything sorted so that we could merge with another pack. We were already the biggest and strongest pack, we have been ever since I can remember and probably many years before that, but there were rumors of a pack of rouges trying to climb their way up the chain. Most of the rumors lead me to the conclusion that they originated from Tyler's little group but its been so long that it didn't even cross my mind that they would try and avenge their old Alpha. They have already taken out a few of the lowest ranking packs, the peaceful ones with small amounts of members. They were more of a very large family rather than a pack.

"Levi," I heard a knock at the door before a now 17 year old Abby walked in. When she turned 17, she found both her mate and her true powers. Everything changed really. It turns out. Alec really was her mate, but he's known that since that day we found him next to her.

Her powers were discovered as soon as she woke up on her birthday. Her appearance had completely changed. Her black hair was now a white/silver colour, her skin was paler and her eyes were no longer blue like mine. Instead they were a pale grey colour, almost white. She had fully taken on the role of the silver wolf guardian and was the strongest warrior in the pack.

"Dinner's ready, Szymon and Asheilda say they have an announcement." I nodded and she left the room. I simply sorted my papers into a stack on my desk and left it to be sorted tomorrow. I walked downstairs and into the dining room.

I was greeted by my nine year old daughter, Astrid.

"Papa, come on, I want food!" She ran off back to her seat at the table. I chuckled, Astrid and her food. We all had to be careful not to eat around her or else she would take it all. She was very stealthy and she had inherited some powers. We don't know how many or if there will be more but she only has two as far as we know. Invisibility, which is a pain in the ass when you're playing hide and seek. She could literally stand in the middle of a room and you wouldn't have a clue that she was there. And the other one is the ability to shape shift. Yet another pain in the ass. At one point, Erie thought we had bought her a unicorn because Astrid decided to transform in the middle of the living room. Even if her powers got on my nerves every now and then, she was my pride and joy. Her hair was the same colour as Abby's but her eyes were the brightest blue I've ever see. They almost glowed.

I saw Erie and Cameron their two children, Sydney who was eight and Xander who was four. There was also Szymon and Asheida with their six year old girl Camryn. And then Abby and Alec.

Everyone says that Astrid looks just like me, but whenever I look at her, I see a younger version of her mother and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Finally, he's here I want food now." Cameron all but shouted. I chuckled. Cameron and Astrid got along the best. Their love of food came above everything.

"Cameron shut the fu-" Erie stopped before rephrasing her sentence.

"Cameron shut the fudge up." I took my place at the head of the table, next to Asheilda and Astrid.

"Okay then, Asheilda?" I looked at her. She cleared her throat and looked at Szymon.

"I have an announcement."

"So do I!" Erie interrupted.

"So do I!" Abby chirped in.

"So do I." We looked behind us to see her stood there in all her glory.

"MAMA!" Astrid ran up to her and jumped into her arms.

I stood up and walked over to her. She put Astrid down and locked gazes with me. I cupped he face with my hand and lent down to attach her lips to mine.

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