Chapter 10*

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Edited 8th Feb 2016

"Holy unicorns...." I just stood there gaping at Levi, trying to process everything he just said.

"Holy unicorns?"

"Yes, holy unicorns. I don't curse so I say unicorns"

"That's so weird, but cute at the same time."

"Did you just call me cute?"

"Yeah I did just call you cute. Got a problem, sweetheart?" My heart melted at the little nickname he had given me. It reminded me of the past, when I was happy and not treated like trash.

"How can I be a Lycan? My parents aren't."

"We aren't totally sure but there is one thing we're sure about."

"What's that?"

"You're the legendary silver wolf."
I was speechless. I mean, what do you say to that?

"Baba, what's a silver wolf?" I only just noticed that Abby was in the room. She must have been hiding behind her parents this whole time. Levi picked her up and placed her on the broken hospital bed. He sat in the chair next to the bed and I sat next to Abby.

"The silver wolf is the most powerful wolf of all werewolves. It was born as a Lycan but didn't discover its powers until later in it's life. Lycans are an extremely rare type of werewolf. They are faster, stronger and smarter than regular werewolves, and can only be killed by another Lycan or of natural causes. They also have a different body to a werewolf. They can stand and walk on two legs, have a shorter snout and are a lot taller. There are only a few Lycans in America, I think there's about four, but now Celeste is one." I've never heard the story of the silver wolf before.

"Um, Levi? Can you tell me the legend, I've never heard it before..."

"Sure, sweetheart," There it was again, that nickname the made me just want to leap into his arms and kiss him to death.

"Centuries ago, it is rumoured that the moon goddess herself, came down to Earth to settle a war between werewolves and humans. Back then, all humans knew about werewolves and most of them went out on a mission to wipe out every last one of us, causing a war. The war went on for five decades until the moon goddess finally tried to end the feud. In order to prevent any more wars, she wiped the human's memories of us ever existing, so that only the human mates of the werewolves would know about us. She also created a special group of werewolves, made to protect us from the humans, if they were ever to attack us again. They were to be the most powerful race ever known and could only be killed by another of its own kind or natural death. She only made twenty of this kind, and named them Lycanthropes, Lycans for short. However whilst creating the last Lycan, she created him to be her mate so that they could create a special bloodline of werewolves. Together they had a child with platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes, It's wolf having the legendary silver fur. Nobody knows the name of the moon goddess' mate, however we do know the name of the first silver wolf. Her name was Angelica Smith."

I gasped. Platinum blonde hair, bright blue eyes and the last name Smith. If I ever told this story to anyone who hadn't heard it before, the probably would have thought I was talking about myself. It all adds up now.

"Raine did you know about this?"
"Why do you never tell me anything?!"
"You weren't ready plus if anything got out you would be dead for sure. But-"

She was interrupted by a loud knock at the door.
"What is it?"


Ok, i don't think I will ever be happy with some of these chapters unless I rewrite the whole book from scratch, which I don't want to do.

Cupquakey 💕

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