Chapter 18*

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Edited: 23rd Feb 2016

Levi's POV;
I stood in the meeting room at the head of the table as the Warriors, trackers and my family filed in and took their seats.
"As everyone knows-"

"Can we go to Disney world?"

"-Celeste has been taken and we-"

"Can we go to Disney world?"

"Know her 'brother' took her. We have-"

"Can we go to Disney world?"

"Located where she has been taken-"

"Can we go to Disney world?"

"And plan to-"

"Can we-"

"NO ERIE WE CAN NOT GO TO DISNEYWORLD!" She sunk in her seat. I sighed.

"As I was saying, we now know of Celeste's location and plan to take Tyler and his 'pack' out so that they don't cause any more trouble." I was shaking now. Not because I was cold or angry, just because I missed her. My sweetheart. Her smile, her eyes, he laugh. Just her.

"We will be leaving for Florida tonight and one of our allies over there have agreed to help us out once we land." Everyone nodded and I dismissed them so that they could go and pack. Erie and my parents stayed behind. I lent forward and rested my head in my hands. My mom came over and rubbed my back.

" We'll get her back, son." My dad spoke from beside my mom. I sighed and lifted my head out of my hands. I leant back in my chair and tried my best to keep Calum, my wolf, at bay. He wanted to just storm out of here and go get our mate but I had to remind him that we have no idea where she is.

"Calum, shut up." He was chanting mate over and over.

"Won't shut up until mate is safe." I internally groaned. This is going to be a long trip.

I sat in the SUV waiting for the Warriors and trackers. It was around 8:30pm and we were getting ready to set off. Calum was still chanting in my head. I roll my eyes and look out of the window. The sun was setting, making the sky a bluey/purple colour. Celeste would love to see this. Tyler probably has her in a cell with no windows so that she can't escape. I hear the doors slam and the engine start but. I never looked away from the sky. Mark, one of my warriors, patted me on the shoulder. I turned to him and he smiled.
"Only a few more hours,"
Only a few more hours...

I stood just behind the tree line of a forest surrounding the restaurant that Celeste and Tyler were currently sat in. I made the host give them a table right next to the window so I could see them. I looked at Tyler and he took a gulp of water. I saw him spit it out onto the waiter who also happened to have been put there by me. Celeste turned to me and I immediately locked eyes with her. I couldn't sense her wolf and she was weak, which means Tyler injected wolfsbane into her system. Perfect. I saw her turn away with a puzzled look plastered on her face. She must think that the wolfsbane is messing with her mind.

The waiter was about to leave when she asked him something. He nodded and glared at Tyler before leaving. Celeste turned to me again and winked. She knew I was there! I closed my eyes letting Calum take over and mind linked everyone, telling them the plan. A human waitress came towards their table with a bottle of wine. Celeste thanked her and started pouring it. Her hands were shaky and I could tell she was struggling. How much wolfsbane was in her system? Just as she was about to pick up her glass, she knocked it over onto her white dress, making it look a lot like blood. She tried to stand up but fell limply into Tyler's arms.


I knew what she was doing but I still pained me to see her so weak and helpless. We all smashed through the window, making all of the humans run out. Tyler stood shocked with a lifeless-looking Celeste in his arms.

"What. Did. You. DO TO HER!!" I growled. Celeste opened her eyes a tiny bit reassuring me that she was definitely still alive but quickly closed them again when Tyler moved to place her into her wheelchair.

"You can't kill him." I heard her voice ring through my ears.


"You need to to keep him alive so I can kill him. My mind won't rest until he's dead and I want to be the one to kill him." I wasted no time in shifting. I lunged towards Tyler and grabbed him by the neck. I extended my claws into his neck, making small trickles of blood run into my fur. I saw Celeste rise from her wheelchair.

"Tyler. I won't even ask why you did it because frankly, I don't care anymore. Your pack was a strong pack, but also too dangerous to keep living. I guess me finding my mate ruined your plans. I also did a lot of research. If the legend did come true and you did have a child with me, then I would only be able to have one child and I would die during the birth." I growled and Tyler's eyes widened.

"You would've had to raise the child on your own and as soon as the child was old enough, so around 16, it would kill you and every other living thing on the planet. So basically, you would have created an apocalypse and got killed by your own child." Tyler's body went limp and I knew he was close to dying. Celeste closed her eyes and a dim glow shone around her. Tyler struggled in my grasp, but I still had my claws in his neck. He let out a few strangled cries before releasing an ear piercing scream. He finally slumped in my grasp. I grew him against the wall and rushed to Celeste, who was swaying from side to side. I shifted back into my human form just before she collapsed in my arms. I lifted her up and kissed her forehead.

She was finally home.

Cupquakey 💕

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