Chapter 4

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Adrianna's POV

I hummed to the beat of 'Like Mariah' by Fifth Harmony while it blasted into my earphones.

I typed away on my keyboard as my full attention were directly on my tumblr feed.

As the song came to an end a loud scream was heard, my eyes widened as I quickly shot up and grabbed my cellphone, already dialing 9-1-1.

I tip-toed out of my room and noticed the guest room's door open.


I slowly peeked down the stairs and my eyes fell out of my sockets.

A naked girl with nothing but a thong on was laying on the carpet,while Harry had a whip in his hands whooping her.

My eyes transformed into a velvet color along with my face, as anger boiled up inside of me. I informed him clearly to warn me when he was going to bring one of his sluts.What angered me the most was the fact that he hesitantly decides for himself, not to inform me when i had just said 4 hours ago for him to tell me when he's going to bring those mindless slaves into my house.

It hasn't even been at least 24 hours since Harry ever stepped his foot into my house and he disobeys my rules.

I descended the stairs stomping and glared at the back of Harry's head,Thankfully he was left shirtless and i was able to grab his arms and yank him into the kitchen. Once my gentle touch felt his soft skin, he reacted quickly and almost punched me.I heard him murmur shit in the process of pulling him into the kitchen.

I walked directly into the pantry and close the door, so his 'slut' wouldn't be able to hear us.

''What the hell Harry!! '' i whispered loudly looking up to meet his face,

''What?'' he lifted his furry eyebrows, he looked clueless.

''It hasn't been at least 24 hours and you already brought a 'slut' here while you initially had 'it' in the living room!'' i glared up at him, while i harshly rubbed the sides of my head.

'I am about to lose my mind, god help me.' i prayed

''And? you never stated that in your 'rules '." i scoffed, he acted like a five year old.

"So just because i didn't mention having sex in the living room in the rules, you just decide to not ask me permission for you to bring sluts and have sex with them in my property? " i yelled frustratedly, i felt my veins stretching my excess skin.

"What the hell, why did i even think about saving you from that shitty brother of yours. So he may continue beating the shit out of you." i scoffed, i haven't felt this angry for years i wasn't going to stop myself. For all the shit i have been through i deserved to get all of this pain out of myself even if Harry had that innocent look plastered across his face, his eyes widened and the tension between us began to get worse

"I wouldn't if i were you." Harry's jawline tightens as his fingers began to curl effortlessly into a fist.

"Enough with your bullshit, i'm going upstairs and i'm going to pack your luggage." He continued to glare at me until he suddenly became closer and threw me over his shoulder.

"YOU!-YOU-UGH!! put me down!!" I screeched as i tried to get out of his tight grip,"Shut up Adrianna you're scaring my screw of the day" he said indirecting his 'erection' as he tightened his grip.

He proceeded and carried me upstairs, i found Harry opening the door to HIS room.

"Harry this is not my room." I stated, in seconds i noticed harry's dimple deepen into a smirk replying, "I know."

I screamed as high as i could and shut my eyelids while Harry threw me across the room, i landed on his bed.

Instantly the smell of Harry's cologne entered my nose,

i knew where this was leading too.

'I think it's happening, who knew i was going to lose my virginity to the bad boy Harry Edward Styles. i knew i letting him stay at my house was the worse idea.' i thought

" Harry before you do anything i think you should know, i'm a virgin. " i informed him, i felt as if this was the most important day of my life.

As soon i ended my sentence, the door slammed cutting intense silence around the room. I fluttered my eyes open as my head directed to the door which was now shut closed.

"HARRY!!" I yelled as i got off the soft bed, and ran up to the door.

And started banging on it loudly.

"Harry it's my house open the damn door!" I yelled,

" Have fun, doing nothing all day." he scoffed.

☼ ☼ ☼

I found myself sitting on Harry's bed in a criss-cross-applesauce position, hearing that obnoxious girl's moan echoing around the house.

I lay back and groaned as i stood up and walked over to the closet.

I opened the huge white wooden closet doors, a big tall fluffy teddy layed up my eyes.

The enormous teddy bear belonged to my mother in her younger days,

I jumped and jumped trying to grab the huge teddy bear, it sat on the top right shelf of the closet.

GREAT i failed at trying to retrieve the bear at least 9 times.

my body was paralyzed with Rage,struggle and high expectations for the past 20 minutes.

Soon my hope began to weaken and it unexpectedly fell onto my head.

Which caused me to faceplant the carpet floor, the bear was double my size and i loved it.

I stood up and pulled the bear onto Harry's bed, i settled the bear under the covers.

Harry's Cologne kept lingering around my nose, it smells divine.

Soon, i was fast asleep cuddling the bear and my face planted on it's stomach.

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