Chapter Two - Overwhelming

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The lift beeped as we reached the hanger. I was told that I was 'being allowed' to go back to twelve. Arriving I saw a familiar face that I hadn't seen in a while.

"Gale." I breathed running up to him. Jumping to hug him, he caught me. My big brother.

"I can't believe you're going through with this. You can say 'no'" I put my hand on his cheek.

"I need to see it. Gale." He nodded and led me onto the jet. I sat in silence till my brother spoke.

"Katniss, told me you cut your hair. Why?" He took some in his fingers and played with it.

"I told Rosie that it needed to be done. The truth is, I don't know. I just did." I looked down

"When we first arrived I saw you all wired up after your body shut down. I had never been so scared. I thought you volunteering was the worst it could get." He shook his head slightly "You were broken and there was nothing I could do. I'm the one who's supposed to protect you Lils. I'm the oldest yet even now I'm helpless."

"Is that why you became a solider? To not feel helpless?" I wondered looking at him properly.

"Part of it. I needed to do something. I needed to be apart of something that is helping people.

Maybe if I can fight I can protect those who are counting on me." I looked away.

"I can protect myself."

"Can you? Then tell me why you look like someone has just stolen your food supply." I rolled my eyes. We arrived at District 12 I stood up as Gale told me what was going on.

"13 has scanned up and down so that you'd be safe. Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" Gale asked

"Yeah. Sure as can be." I walked down the ramp and all that I saw was destruction . Utter destruction there was barely anything left of the district I grew up in. Tears sprang as memories from my childhood floated across my eyes. The Justice building was nothing but rubble as I turned round and soaked everything that the Capitol had done to my home. I needed to continue surely there must have been something to survive? I walked thorough the mountains of ash and down a valley of broken buildings.

I heard something crunch beneath my feet. I lifted my foot up and gasped a skull. Someone's skull. I threw up to the left of me. Scrambling up I saw it wasn't just one there were hundreds. I dropped to the ground and sobbed. It's my fault it's all my fault. I crawled away before pulling myself to my feet and to the only upstanding place. The victors village. Figures that they would only leave this intact.

I walked into the home that I had 'won' and looked around it was so silent, I could remember the little screams and giggles of my siblings. Who I had yet to see. I saw my jacket hung up so I slipped it on and grabbed a satchel as well. I took some of my Mom's herbs and mixtures when I heard a crash. Jumping out of my skin I saw Buttercup. Rosie's cat.

"Bloody Cat." I picket it up and put it in. I walked around taking my wedding photo and Dad with me. Walking into the study I trailed my fingers on the desk. When something caught my eye. I was a flower, a flower that still stood tall and white white the other dies around it. Picking it up I saw the shape of it and it was the same one snow wore on his jacket all of the time. I dropped it and took off out of there. Before getting back on the jet I searched through the rubble of Katniss house and found the broken picture frame of her father. Buttercup hissed

"Oh shut up." I muttered shoving it into my back. Getting back on the jet she mowed again.

"You better keep her hidden, I don't think 13 takes too kindly to having pets." I gave him a small timid smile before we left. Pictures of what I had just seen had haunted me even as I walked through the compound of 13 I first stopped at Katniss and Rosie's.

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