Chapter Eighteen - Love Hurts

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"So now that we're dead what are we going to do?" My brother wondered to the rest of us.

"Is't it obvious?" I turn to Peeta "The next move is to kill me."

"No!" I snapped at him and his gaze drifted towards me

"I murdered one of our squad members. You were right, I'm a mutt." I drop my bow and go over to him, damn the consequences.

"No, you aren't the real you." I knelt in front of him

"It's only a matter of time before I snap again. I'm not in control. I need a nighlock pill, so I can die when I need to." he started to tear up at what he had done, I could see cracks of the old Peeta there.

"If it gets to that point, I'll kill you myself." Gale huffed at him and i turn to my brother glaring at him.

"No one is going to be killing him." I retort then look at Peeta

"You're not well, Snow he did this to you. I know that you don't want to hurt me." I held onto his face and stroked it a little.

"But I have though."

"Yet I'm still kneeling right in front of you. I'm either insane or I must really love you. What I said about you being a mutt, I was angry. You were taken out of care too early. But you're here now." he nodded a little to me. Finn stood up and went in search for food. I joined him looking through cupboards.

"No, not in there." Mesalla told us "I used to live in a unit just like this, people in the Capitol are used to going through hard times. This is where they keep the good stuff." he opened a secret cupboard in the wall revealing the food. I walked over and lifted a packet of cheese.

"Meanwhile the rest of Panem , goes without?" Holmes asked

"That's how it works here."


Sitting down I began eating. Gale held up and sweet that he'd bitten into, then examined it.

"I never really understood the Capitol until now. If we eat like this, you'll believe anything." The Panem tune came up followed my pictures of our squad. Like the fallen when in the games. it was sick. Lastly was me, before. Snow came up on screen.

"So. Lily Mellark, a poor unstable girl, with nothing more that a small talent with a bow and arrow is dead. Not a thinker, not a leader. Simply a face plucked from the masses. Was she valuable? She was extremely valuable to your rebellion, because you have no vision, no true leader among you. You call yourselves an alliance. But we saw what that meant. Your soldiers are at each other's throats." Static cut in before he could talk any more crap. That was when Coin showed up.

"Good Evening. For those who don't know me please, allow me to introduce myself. I am President Alma Coin, leader of the rebellion. I've interrupted a broadcast from your president in which he attempted to defame a brave young woman. 'a face picked from the masses' he called her. As if a leader. A true leader could be anything else, I had the privilege of knowing a small town girl from the Seam in district 12 who survived the Hunger Games and the Quarter Quell. Who rose up and turned a nation of slaves into an army" She went all tearful "Dead or alive, Lily Mellark will remain the face of this revolution. She will not have died for nothing."

"I had know idea I mean so much to her." I stated sarcastically.

"Her vision and ours will be realised . A free Panem with self determination for all. And in her memory, we will all find the strength to rid Panem of its oppressors. Thank you and be safe."

Remember The Mockingjay with the three note tune that became famous.

I stood with the holo and went to place it on the table in the middle of the room. Jackson, Cressida joined my side. The others surrounding us as well.

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