Chapter Twenty Four - Peace

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I got back into hunting. The woods of my home that was a sanctuary for 916 people. It turned into spring, the sun was shining and I caught rabbits and birds. It was so calm and welcoming. I think I may have had a hint of a smile on my face. I kept my short hair, anytime it reached my shoulders I cut it again. but this time with scissors.

I returned home from my daily hunt, the gentle breeze lifting back my hair. I took in my normal surrounding. Except this time it was different. There was someone there who wasn't when I left. It was the familiar blonde hair attached to the boy I fell in love with. I walked faster hoping my eyes were not deceiving me . They weren't he was there and he was gardening.

"Peeta." He stood, turning to me. I felt as if something I had lost was found again


"You came home."

"Yeah." I looked down at what he was holding. It was the flower of the fallen. Primrose, and Hazel"I found these, uh, out by the edge of the forrest. It's primrose and Hazel." I dropped what I was holding and did the thing I had been waiting to do for months. I kissed him. He returned the kiss happily. Breaking apart I hugged him.

"I'm sorry, Lily."

"I missed you." I told him

"I missed you too." He pulled away and put the flowers and herbs down, dusting his hands off he took my hand

"I have something for you. Come on." He lead me inside the house. Our home.

"Lily!" I covered my mouth. Rory, Vick, Posy and Katniss were all there waiting for me. The three ran over and tackled me in a hug from all sides.

"We missed you." They chimed

"I missed you too, so much. You have no idea." I beamed "Catnip." I hugged her

"Kept the style I see." She smiled returning the hug

"Why mess with a good thing." I laughed

"Lily, Lily." Posy pulled at my jacket. I lifted her up into my arms.

"Yes, my sweet, adorable little sister."

"Are we staying with you now?" She asked so innocently

"I don't know." I looked down at my brothers then out her down and crouched in front of them.

"Why don't you ask the man of the house?" I pointed at Peeta. Posy ran over to Peeta.

"Can we stay Peeta, please." She held her hands together "Pretty please." awh. He looked at me and I shrugged with a coy smile on my face.

"Of course." The three of them cheered

"Well go on then, back to your rooms." Rory took Posy and the three of them raced up stairs. I had my arm around Kat's waist as I heard the three adamantly talking.

"President Paylor, granted you a full pardon and custody of your three siblings." Peeta informed me "I also have a letter from Annie." I smiled at him

"Kat are you coming home or are your returning to The Capitol?"

"I'm staying. I'm moving in next door."

"That's great. I'll start making dinner. Haymitch is coming over at some point, he's now making it his job to keep an eye on me."


I had become a decent cook, living on my own for nearly a year I had too. I listened to Peeta as he read out Annie's letter.

"You'll be happy to hear that Mrs Everdeen has been training new medical units in the Capitol. Gale has been promoted to a Captain in district 2 to help keep order and security. And I am loving every moment with my son, who reminds me every day of his father. We've all suffered so much. But we owe it to their memories and to our children to do the best with these lives. I hope you are finding some peace. Annie." he read out. I put the knife down as he came over with a picture of Annie and little Finn.

The six of us sat at the dinner table watching Paylor become president.

"I solemnly swear, to the best of my ability, to preserve, protect and uphold the rights of every citizen of Panem." she vowed as we all watched.

"There's Plutarch in the middle of it all" Peeta commented as we saw Plutarch watching the dawn of a new era.

"And the say no one ever wins the games." Haymitch replied

We fell somewhat into a normal, life. I spent everyday trying to make my mother proud. Rory, Vick and Posy went back to being children, although this time they were children with a lot less burden on their shoulders. Though Posy still cried for our mother during the nights, asking me to stay with her. During the day, she has such light in her eyes. Peeta and I watched the three play out in the rain. I the turned my gaze to my husband. Together we had been to hell and back at least 3 times, but I couldn't be more happy that he was home.

Posy had fallen asleep a lot easier and I had remained awake. I slipped out of her room, closing the door quietly behind me. I made my way to my room where Peeta slept alone since he returned. Not this night. Placing down the torch. I lifted up the covers and slid in next to him. He moved waking up so that I could lay my head on his chest.

"You're happy with me. Real or not real?" I looked up at him

"Real." Looking back down I made myself comfy and fell into a nice sleep, where they were no bad dreams

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