Chapter Seven - Join the Mockingjay

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I stood in the assembly hall as everyone watched the 'propo' I looked over them as my harsh yet true words rang in their ears.

"Plutarch's faith in you wasn't misplaced." Coin told me

"Thank you." I replied

"Come up with me for the beginning." I nodded in agreement feeling the nerves and apprehension wash over me.

'And if we burn, you burn with us!" Join the Mockingjay! Join the fight! Everyone started cheering as the film came to an end. Coin and I walked forward onto the balcony. After a moment Coin raised her hands to bring them to a silence.

"There is no progress without compromise. No victory without sacrifice. But I stand here with the mockingjay..." She took my hand. " announce that our moment has arrived." She raised out hands and the crowds cheered again. Bringing our hands down she gave me a slight nod. I turned around and joined Finnick and my brothers and sister, Those that were content in fighting against murderers. People had just died. Innocent people. This was not a thing to be happy about.

"Beetee has increased our use of the airwaves tenfold. We will broadcast this message to all districts tonight. The Mockingjay's words inspiring everyone to join the rebellion. Together we will become and alliance to be reckoned with." She raised her fist at the cheers from district 13. They began to chant.

"Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoooorah!"

"You don't like hearing a fight song at a funeral huh? The more people on our side the closer we are to Peeta and Annie." Finnick told me

"Yeah." I mutter in return. I took my siblings back to our room.


Posy played with my pearl on the side as I did her hair. She out of all my siblings seemed more different than most since being here, quiet more and her happiness and giggles has been buried I think in fear of what had happened.

"Do you miss him?" She asked and looked up at me

"Every second."

"How, if your fighting in the rebellion?" I turned her around to face me.

"It's because of him that I fight. One day when your much older I'm sure you will feel someone the way I do with Peeta."

"And how is that?" She gave me back the pearl

"Like, you'll never be at peace until he's in front of your eyes." I smiled softly and stroked her cheek.

"Finnick said that every step you make for the cause is one closer to bringing Peeta and Annie back."

"It is. But this is no game Posy, remember that. This is a fight, a war and while I wished never to be apart of it, I have to." I tried to make her see the bigger scope of things. One things that children no longer had these days was a childhood. Hopefully when this was over, they would have that back.

"To get to him." I nodded. The door opened and Gale stepped in

"I have good news."

"What?" I wonder

"Coin has agreed to let the three of us hunt above ground." Good I need a moment.

"Come, I'll take you to Rory." I dropped Posy off. Katniss, Gale and I grabbed out hunting gear and left. Though I've never felt really settled, this is as close as I could come to it. Being back in the woods. We saw a deer and I held my hand up for them to stop. Taking an arrow I aimed it at the clueless deer. But I never realised, he looked up at the three of us not knowing our intentions. He wasn't even afraid.

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